

C Doll Is Out To Prove She Meant That

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C Doll

C DOLL stopped by our headquarters this week to chop it up with @djspins. The vibe was indeed dope! Check out their one-on-one down below and click here to discover more emerging artists.


How Did You Come Up With your Stage Name? Tell us where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

I really wanted the letter “C” to start my stage name off because my real name starts with a “C”. At the same time, i wanted “Doll” or “Bratz” with my name as well. It literally took me 2 seconds to say “I’m going with C Doll because CBratz sounds horrible”. I’m from Arkansas & I’ve been interested in the entertainment industry since I was small. I love music. It’s a way to cope with a lot and help express yourself as well.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

Knowing I have the potential and it’s what I love to do.

How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my sound as catchy and aggressive.


What is your creative process like?

I’ll write an entire song before I even find a beat. I can literally write 3 songs at a time. For example, I can be writing to one song and be like “nah this verse sounds good for the song” and be back and forth song to song.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Females: Latto & Lakeyah. Males: Big Homiie G & Luh Tyler.

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?

Glorilla & Lil Baby

What is one message you would give to your supporters?

Thank you for being a source of inspiration and motivation.

C Doll


What is the most useless talent you have?

Most people wouldn’t know it, but I am pretty good at singing.

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

If I wasn’t pursuing a music career, I would be working in a field that matches my college degree.

Who are some artists you admire and why?

I admire Keyshia Cole. I admire her because she started off humble and confident with everything she did. Every song and video, you could literally feel everything she felt.


If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would change the “want to be competition”. I feel like everyone in the industry is up, no matter if they have 500,000 compared to your 1M, they still making progress and out there making it happen.

C Doll Meant That

You Dropped Your Latest Release Earlier this Year, Tell’s Us About It.

My latest release is called “Meant Dat”. It’s really about me expressing how i feel about certain situations and coming right after saying I meant dat in certain parts of the song. Meant dat in other words means i’m saying I mean it/I’m standing on business.

What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

Few more singles to drop, then album mode! In the next year, I would like to see myself listed number 1, 1M + more views/listeners on all platforms, doing features with artists i’ll like to collaborate with, and living it up!

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

IG: @Itsreallycdoll , YT: Therealcdoll , Spotify: Cdoll , Twitter: @Itsreallycdoll , TikTok: @_therealcdoll

#GetSOM via @djspins

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Da Foundation Talk Live, Suffer & Celebrate

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Da Foundation

Da Foundation are laying it down on how they live, suffer and celebrate. On the heels of their latest release, they sat down with Straight Official’s own @djspins to give us the lowdown on how this thing all came together.


How did you come up with your stage name?

The name Da Foundation came to us just in a casual conversation in the mist of us discussing just self discipline, morals and the foundation of what we stand on and where we come from while embracing where we going.

Please tell us where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

We were born in East Orange, NJ but we are base in North Carolina and this is where the movement started. How it started was just freestyling and the thought of “what if” we got serious with this. From there it went from a thought and an action.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

The inspiration comes from life. We get inspired from each other. We are actually brothers, we have always encouraged each other. The memories of our childhood and past experiences that shaped and mood us for good. To be great, is inspiring.


How would you describe your sound?

Thought and imagination coupled with real life endeavors, set with future goals to move forward. Our unique sound of Hip-Hop can be edgy and push the limits. At the same time encouraging our listeners to think and also inspire the grind, accept the gritty struggle with the will to make it out.

What is your creative process like?

The creative process is a bit unorthodox. You would think we write together but, thats typically not the case. We write separately and go with the best concept to the music. A lot of the times we are on the same frequency which helps the process. We know what type of music and message to want to present to our audience.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Artist like J.Cole, Griselda whom seem to be on the same wave as us in a Hip-Hop space are artist we can see ourselves working with. Not to limit ourselves and what we can do artist like Kodak Black and such whom may have a very unique sound, is a space we can put ourselves in as well. We’re always looking to put the pen to the test.

Da Foundation


If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?

It’s not so much about the artist but the audience. People who appreciate lyrics and Hip-Hop. Sometimes we just want you to listen to what we’re saying. We understand people want to be entertained at the same time so, we incorporate that in our performances.

What is one message you would give to your supporters?

Just to have an open mind about things. The world is vast. We don’t all believe in the same thing. Thats what makes our music edgy. We just hope to make our perspective clear.

What is the most useless talent you have?

You never understand your value until you appreciate your creatively. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, move forward off what you believe your strengths are. No talent is useless when it is used accordingly.

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

One passion we both share is sports. So giving back to the youth and building character through sports is a space we can see ourselves in. We’ve coached a special group of kids just recently in 2022 to a youth championship and won. That process and journey was something we enjoyed.


Tell us about your latest release.

Live…Suffer…Celebrate… is a unique body of work. We put a lot of thought and time into it. It is edgy and fun to listen to. We fill its for all ages, we don’t focus on a specific age group when creating music. We all have the same access to it. So we stay in a space we love with no limitations.

What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

Touring and bigger platforms. As this point, we’re only trying to go big. Whatever space that put us in we’ll decide where we want to go from there. But take a look at the group category and take a look at Da Foundation. We like our chances.

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

Facebook: Da Foundation IG: @alleyway2broadway are the two main social media
platforms to see what we’re doing. Official Website as well.

#GetSOM via @djspins

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