
The Quest Chronicles

The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move

The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move We have people in our lives that we turn to such as family, friends, colleagues and perfect strangers. Social media is an open diary. Some of the comments are helpful and the rest are a waste of time. It comes to the point that we may even block someone for replying to a status with stupidity. We were the ones to open our thoughts for the public to see, judge and comment.

The moment we have these conversations, hear the feedback and read the comments; we instantly regret it. We may hear something we didn’t want to hear, we notice it was a waste of time and instead of helping all it did was give us a headache. 

Some people really just want to help because they care about your well being but no one has all the answers. People can give their advice, opinions and share their personal experiences but at the end of the day; you have the final say. You can take it all in but what you do with the info is on you. This is your life, your troubles so what’s the next movie? 

The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life As children we all couldn’t wait to be adults. We no longer wanted curfew & definitely didn’t want to be told what to do. We can’t forget the freedom of going wherever you want to go, driving fast cars and just living life. I remember teenagers even saying they were looking forward to cursing freely, drinking and smoking but to each their own.

Now as adults; we realize that it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Our parents and guardians hid a lot of things from us. These bills, stress and problems are a little too much to bear. Now we completely understand when an elder would say; “enjoy being a kid while it lasts. Don’t try to grow up too fast.” These words never felt so true.

Even though adulthood comes with a lot of unexpected turns; you still have the ability to turn things around. Revamp, regroup and make new plans. Control the narrative and embrace a new journey if need be. As an adult, you have the freedom to do so. 

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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