
The Quest Chronicles

The Quest Chronicles: RapCrush

The Quest Chronicles: RapCrush Unleashing the Soft Girl in Rap Music: A Conversation with RapCrush. Recently, we had the privilege of sitting down with the emerging artist on The T-Quest Show with DJ ILL NINO. From the moment we heard her songs, we could feel her calming spirit and we knew we were in for a treat. Her music exuded passion and energy, and we couldn’t wait to dive deeper into her world.

The Quest Chronicles: RapCrush

As we delved deeper into her music career, RapCrush revealed that her latest project, Soft Girl, was her most personal and meaningful work to date. When we asked about the title, we were impressed by her explanation. She explained that it was a tribute to femininity and the rare beauty of being a soft girl. In a world where so many women are trying to be hard, she is a breath of fresh air, reminding us that there’s nothing wrong with being a lady.


Her music is a must-hear, and we were personally drawn to her tracks because we could relate. She’s a reminder that chivalry isn’t dead. There are still women out there who appreciate when a man is a man. We know we’re not alone in this, so we want to give a shout out to all the soft girls out there!

But back to RapCrush. Her music is a beautiful combination of spitting bars and keeping it real for all the romantics out there. It’s refreshing, and we can’t get enough. We encourage you to check out her entire catalog on all digital streaming platforms and make sure to keep in touch with her on Instagram.

Soft Girl

Are you ready to unleash your inner soft girl? RapCrush is leading the charge, reminding us that femininity is powerful and beautiful. Don’t miss out on her latest project, Soft Girl, where she brings her unique blend of passion and energy to every track. Join us in celebrating all the soft girls out there and let’s bring back chivalry and love.

So what are you waiting for? Press play and let RapCrush take you on a journey you won’t forget.

The Quest Chronicles: RapCrush

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The Quest Chronicles: Music Artists

The Quest Chronicles: Music Artists As a tastemaker in the music and entertainment industry I come across a lot of people; artists in particular. When it comes to interviewing them and critiquing their music, I never know what is going to happen. They come to me to get my honest opinion on their music so I give them exactly that. I must say that I’ve been quite impressed with the artists I’ve come in contact with lately.

Their music has been great!  I can hear the passion in their songs which puts a smile on my face. You can tell many of them have natural talent and have taken time to perfect their songs. This is something recently that has been lacking in the hip hop as well as the r&b community.

What has really caught my attention more is the way they present and carry themselves during our interviews. They either have an interesting backstory that is intriguing and or has the right team who’s put them through artist development so they know how to talk to industry cats properly. Either way, whatever is happening, I pray it continues because this is what I have been desiring and loving. Not only as a radio personality, a journalist, a fellow artist myself but as well as a consumer, I’m here for it all. Let’s keep the music alive, produce great content, stay true to self, and professional at all times.

The Quest Chronicles: Music Artists


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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