

picture of adot-upt, featured in straight official magazine, SWAG 100 LLC

Adot-upt is a philadelphia native who says he was saved by music.

Adot-upt happens to be the sole owner of Offtop tv and has been recording top level quality music from different states, such as Houston, L.A., and Philadelphia.

In 2021 Adot-upt has released a short film music video “Put the guns away” which gives you another look at the gun violence on going in the inner-cities of America and world-wide. Adot comes together with William Penn to create a new narrative about guns and HipHop.

The culture of Hip Hop has been a target of gun violence for many of years, its times for a change.




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[La Bodega]Quarantine Talk: Javier Luis



SO. What is your Name?
JL. My name is Javier Luis.  where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry? 
I was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico and raised in New York City’s Upper West Side. 
Music has always been a part of my family growing up. As a baby, I started singing before speaking. 
One of the first songs that my mother said i use to sing as a child was “Que Viva Chango” lol Makes perfect sense today, I am the son of Chango. 
My first taste of singing was when I auditioned and got picked to performed at my 8th grade talent show, I was so scared but when I got through my song and saw the audiences reaction (and it was a FULL house), the feedback and the adrenalin that I felt, I knew this was something I wanted to continue doing for LIFE.

SO. Who and/or what inspires you to create?
JL. My muse and my mother Carmen Martinez inspires me to create. 
I grew up singing and performing in English and was a lead singer in a 40 member Gospel choir for many years. 
My mother was always on top of me telling me that I should really consider singing in Spanish. 
I kind of ignored that suggestion for many years until she approached me with a song she wrote titled “Alma Chapada A La Antigua”.  She read it to me and helped me understand the lyrics. 
I decided to take the song and research a Salsa producer. 
I found one and went into the studio and invited 12 musicians including coro singers to create what would be my first Salsa song ever.  By the way, I am proud to say that my mother who is also a member of ASCAP music as a songwriter has written a few of the songs on my first and second CD productions. 
My muse is what also inspires me.  When he or she kicks in i swear I do not have normal brain cells or think like the average person. My minds creative mode becomes deep and daring. 
For example…the story board for all of my music videos were created by me, some times I find that i am directing the director of the music video, all of the melodic arrangements from lead vocal to background vocals on many of my Salsa and ballad songs and my English songs were created by me, I’ve written my own English songs in which I’ve won awards for and have co-written soneos in many of my salsa songs.  When my muse is sleeping, I kinda find myself lost.  It’s all about my muse. 

SO. How would you describe your sound? 
JL. I’d like to describe my sound as a combination of some classic Salsa swing with modern romantic twist.  Many have criticized romantic Salsa, but I always made sure I worked with producers and arrangers who can add that funky classic Salsa element  to today Romantic sound. As a second tenor, my vocals have been described to be rich in tone and my delivery very passionate.   I am very picky with songs.  I don’t want to come across as a bougie Puerto Rican but it’s all about the lyrics for me.  

SO. What is your creative process like? 
JL. My mood dictates my songs.  I like to spend time by myself when writing songs.  I’ve been asked by people in the past to co-write a song together and I tell you….That doesn’t work for me.  I can’t be in the same room with others when writing.  Also part of my creative process is mental. Lyrics are also very important to me.  I am a fan of musica intellectual.  When i sing the lyrics to a song, i need to know all of its meanings.   Once i know what each word means i can connect deeply with the song on a spiritual level and when I get to that level, my audience can really feel me. Going to the gym to work on my body and do my vocal exercises at home also sets my mind on that creative process.  In a world full of Salsa singers, i like to think outside the box, push envelopes and perhaps either make some feel uncomfortable or make some people aspire to follow my lead with a non traditional approach. 

SO. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with? 
JL. I’ve always wanted to collaborate with La India.

SO. What is one message you would give to your supporters? 
JL. My message to my supporters is “THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING SO FAITHFUL AND SUPPORTIVE OF ME AND MY MUSIC.  There have been moments where I’d run into a dry spell in my career and when I have returned to the stage, my fans have always pulled through and filled the house up with their presence.  I am truly blessed.

SO. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about? 
JL. Cooking.  My mother and my grand-father taught me to cook and fend for myself.  My family have encouraged me to open up a restaurant.  I love to cook my traditional Puerto Rican foods, plus I love to cook Italian, Asian, I love to bake cakes from scratch.  The best part of cooking and creating in the kitchen is getting my dinner guests expression when they get their first bite of my food.  Who knows, maybe one day I’ll open up a restaurant or a food truck.  I’ll be known as the singing chef.  LOL 

SO. What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music? 
JL. Probably cooking full time. 

SO. Who are some artists/people you admire and why? 
JL. I admire and gravitate towards vocalists.  I love powerful singers and would pay money to go to concerts for artists such as Celia Cruz, Luis Miguel, Marc Anthony, La India, Whitney Houston, Patti Labelle, Mariah Carey, Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Andrea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo. 

SO. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 
JL. Stop making the music industry into a modeling industry.  Real talented vocalist are being by passed and the the monies are being invested in good looking boys and girls who’s vocals are fixed in the studio.  I think vocal talent shows on tv have ruined the industry.  Because of this show,  EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHERS want to be singers.  I think real talented people are being left behind.  Singing is a sacred art and its not given the respect it deserves.  

SO. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year? 
JL. Right now my single “Yo no soy un delincuente” will be re-released in March under Chu-Bano Entertainment in which i am very excited about.  I say re-release because I originally released “Yo no soy un delincuente” back in June of 2019 and so many obstacles have presented itself including the pandemic which put a damper on my songs potential.   I also have a couple of other projects that i have been working on since 2021 that i hope to realize this year.  I don’t want to say much about my other projects at the moment.  I come from the old school way of thinking, don’t share any pre-productions until you know 99% of it is completed.  When it is ready to be released, then you can start on heavy promotions a month or two before it’s release with a little snippet of the song or music video.   Now I see many people in the recording doing facebook live letting the world hear what they are creating.  I think that’s a big mistake and you’re kinda jinxing yourself. I come from a very spiritual family and I have always been told that ‘You should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and you should never your right hand know what your left hand is doing. (sounds better in Spanish LOL).  In other words, during your creative process and pre-production and during production, keep everything under wraps.  Not everyone wants to see you succeed and a person(s) jealous and negative thoughts can be the worst witch craft casted on a person….if you believe in that.  

SO. What is your social media?
JL. You can follow me on
and you can also find information on my website Singer | Javier Luis
Also via email or

One advice that I’ve been given was “find your own voice”.  When I started singing and performing around New York City, I was always told that I look or sound like this artist and that artist.  That advice helped me get out of that imitation mode that I was in and helped me find “Javier Luis”

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

#GetSOM Via @DJGojabean @JavierLuisVoz @StraightOfficialMag #QuarantineTalk #LaBodega #StraightOfficialMagazine

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