LIL T MAC stopped by our headquarters this week for another edition of Straight Official Sit Downs. The Orange County artist chopped it up with our very own @klassikceo as we got to know the emerging artist. Check out their one-on-one down below and click here for more Straight Official Sit Downs.
What is your Name? where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?
My name is Terrence Johnson (TJ) and I’m from Orange County. I’ve been interested in making music ever since I saw my potential with my first 2 songs “I’m So Precise” and “U Better Move.”
Who and/or what inspires you to create?
I get inspired to create music when listening to similar songs to my flow and cadence. My taste is very rare and not from my region so I enhance it and bring it to everyone attention to observe.
What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
Artist I would like to collab with would be Young Thug, Jay Fizzle and Kanye West. I can make this happen soon. I rarely collab but that will change.

What is your creative process like?
How I become creative is by finding the right sound and deliver it on queue and believable without saying it. Just sitting down and getting to business. I mostly write my music, but my last few tracks I’ve recorded were freestyles.
What is one message you would give to your supporters?
I would advise my supporters to try something your good at and become the best at it. Don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on your craft and those achievements will come.
What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?
I’m pretty good at skateboarding. I skated for about 6 years but had a few injuries in the past. I’m picking it back up now.

Have fun and work hard. Nothing in life should be taken for granted. Mind your own & stay in your lane
Lil TMac best advice to his followers
What would you be doing right now if you weren’t doing music?
If I wasn’t doing music I would be listening to it. Just kidding (laughs) I would probably start a business, going to school for medical lab stuff driving my Benz.
Who are some artists/people you admire and why?
Some artist I admire are Big Scarr Rip. His music always was consistent and he’s stayed loyal to the fans. He got famous of one song. I’ll do it too, watch.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
If I could change anything about the industry it would be the gay stuff and selling your soul for clout. Nothing in this world is valuable enough to sell your soul for. I don’t push religion on people but seek God. He’s the way.
What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
I see myself doing shows next year. I plan on selling merch and going on tours and helping out the people who helped me. Giving back, going strong and dominating my area in Orange County and the world.
Social media handles are @Tjohnsonn.3 on Instagram and on YouTube (Lil TMac Vevo). I respond back to any dm sent to my inbox. Peace.