

Journalist Bae | State of the Election

As the United States gears up for the presidential election in 2024, the political landscape is charged with anticipation and speculation. The outcome of this election will not only determine the course of the nation for the next four years, but also carry significant implications for global politics and policies.

Candidates and Contenders

The field of candidates for the 2024 election is diverse and dynamic. It reflects the wide spectrum of ideologies and political strategies within the American political system. Among the notable contenders are:

Current President [Joe Biden]: Biden carries the advantage of incumbency, touting achievements and rallying support from their base.

Opposition Challenger [Donald Trump]: The unforgettable challenger, Trump has gained traction with promises of change and a fresh approach to national issues.

Third-Party and Independent Candidates: Historically, third-party candidates have played a crucial role in American elections. They present alternative platforms and perspectives that resonate with segments of the electorate disillusioned with the major parties. While not as known as Trump or Biden, these are the people who can make a difference. They’re the options if you don’t want to vote for either Trump or Biden.

Key Issues Shaping the Debate

Several critical issues dominate the electoral discourse. The issues are as follows:

Economic Policy: The post-pandemic economic recovery, inflation concerns, job creation, and income inequality are likely to be central themes.

Healthcare: Access to affordable healthcare, Medicare expansion, and responses to public health crises will be hotly debated topics.

Climate Change: With growing public awareness and scientific consensus, candidates’ stances on environmental policies, renewable energy, and global climate initiatives will be scrutinized.

Social Justice and Equity: Racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration reform, and gender equality are pivotal issues influencing voter mobilization.

Foreign Policy: America’s role in global affairs, international trade relations, and strategies for maintaining national security will be key considerations.

Campaign Strategies and Digital Influence

Campaign strategies in 2024 will heavily leverage digital platforms and social media. This engages voters, disseminate messaging, and mobilize supporters. Data analytics, targeted advertising, and online fundraising will play crucial roles in shaping public opinion and voter turnout.

The Process

The electoral process in the United States includes primaries, caucuses, and the general election. Each state plays a pivotal role in selecting delegates and electoral college votes. Voter engagement initiatives will focus on voter registration drives, education on ballot measures, and efforts to combat voter suppression.

The Role of Media and Public Opinion

Media coverage will be instrumental in framing the election narrative, with debates, town halls, and interviews providing platforms for candidates to articulate their policies and engage directly with voters. Public opinion polling will track shifting voter sentiments and preferences as the campaign progresses.


The 2024 presidential election in the United States promises to be a landmark event. It will shape the nation’s trajectory on domestic and international fronts. With candidates vie for the highest office in the land, voters will face critical choices that will define the future of the country for years to come.

#GetSOM via @mochabk & click here for more from Journalist Bae!

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Journalist Bae | Lil Nas X Shades Beyonce

“I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road. I’m gonna riiiide ’til I can’t no more!” These are words we could not get out of our heads in 2019. Fast forward 5 years and enters Beyonce on the country music scene. Reportedly, Lil Nas X is “happy” for her success. However, he wishes he could’ve been a part of it. Sounds like a hater to me, on the low. He said this publicly so it’s not really that low anymore.

I love playing Devil’s advocate (no pun intended), but this time – I can’t go for that. What’s interesting about this story is that the boy has not made another country song since “Old Town Road”. Which, might I add, was removed from the Country charts for not being “country enough”. That may be a sentiment Beyonce can relate to given the backlash from the CMA amongst others. The difference is, she still stood 10 toes down for her art.

Standing On Business

Let me make it make sense. Though this is the first country album that Bey has released, this is not her first time being associated with the genre. During the ‘Lemonade’ era, she did perform her song “Daddy Lessons” with the Dixie Chicks and it wasn’t necessarily well received by the country community. They frivolously accused her of appropriating their culture. She let it rest with Renaissance. Then comes Cowboy Carter where the Texan doubles down on her country attempt. I guess you can say she’s 20 toes down at this point.

Lil Nas X Started Country Music For Black People

Lil Nas X had ONE single that was country-like, but transitions to collaborating with Doja Cat, Jack Harlow, and Megan Thee Stallion for his first studio album. I don’t know but the lineup isn’t screaming country music. As far as I’m concerned, “Old Town Road” was a one-off. At this time, when we mention his name, do you really think about his music or do his internet antics come to mind?

This makes me think of when JT scolded Suki. “You go viral for shock value content, but it’s never shocking or of any value.” That’s really what it’s giving, chile. It will be interesting to see if Lil Nas makes a return to the country scene. Baes, what are your thoughts? Is he reaching or does he deserve a little credit for “opening the doors” of hip-hip/R&B/Country fusion?

#GetSOM via @Mochathemack & click here for more from Journalist Bae!

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