

Triggerrun Turns Up With Latest Single

The Real Dj Spins Got The Chance To Chop It Up With Triggerrun Recently And Got To Get The Inside Scoop On The Groups Latest Moves As Well as All There Is To Know About The Group And Whats To Come In 2022

What is your Stage Name?
TRIGGERRUN: Knegil, H3theArtist and Syncere

Please tell us where you’re from?
Atlanta by way of Albany (229)

What first got you interested in the entertainment industry?
For Knegil, passion for music started at an early age with my father being in a singing group Joe Page & the Diplomats and mother sang Opera style in the church choir and played piano so it was innate to a sense. In elementary, I would follow suit in music as I played violin and saxophone through middle/high school. However, it was New Edition and Michael Jackson that I aspired to at an early age.

For me, H3, I grew up in a house of music appreciation. The soundscape of my home was as such: My mother would reimagine songs in a choral/operatic fashion, my father would croon in the shower with melodic rhythm and blues overtones, and my big sister would be practicing classical music on our Baldwin piano in the garage. Also, during my childhood, all of the programs I loved the most were complete compositions ranging from the theme songs of: The Electric Company, Sesame Street, Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood, Johnny Quest, Space Ghost…The Facts of Life, Different Strokes,etc. No matter what you turned to, the musical complexity of compositions were of the highest level. This was inspiring to me and setting the stage for my future aspirations. The proverbial moment of my musical awakening was the Motown 25 Review, when Michael Jackson took to the stage to usher in a new movement in entertainment. When I saw him perform…on that night…I was forever transformed. I knew then that I would pursue a career in the music industry.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?
The inspiration comes from the pure love of the musical art form and the ability to create an arrangement of sound thus turning it into a beautiful masterpiece.

Creating art is subjective and is the highest form of self-expression. Through self-expression in any form, in any genre, there is freedom. The freedom that you have in your expression translates to those that witness your art, whatever that may be, to experience freedom for themselves.

How would you describe your sound?
An eclectic mix of East Coast meets the ATL Dirty South fusion.

What is your creative process like?
You can never plan to capture magical moments. However, we listen to every genre and form of music for inspiration.

Our most magical creative moments come by way of happenstance. So our process is simple, whatever feels good and sounds good in the moment. It’s all emotion. Whenever or wherever we catch a vibe.

Our process is to simply capture the moment by recording it on the spot to revisit later. We create a safe space where we give one another the creative freedom to share ideas no matter how “off-the-wall” it may be. In that space, there is honesty and support. Not all ideas are used, but all ideas are allowed to be expressed.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
It doesn’t matter! Coming from the TRUE school my favs are Rakim, Nas, Tupac, Biggie, Outkast, NWA as each one of these artists changed the face of hip-hop.

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?
Man tough question… H3…That is tough, it would be great to open for MC Hammer, or any of the icons that are Hip Hop Royalty: LL Cool J, Dougie Fresh, etc. It would be dope to open up for J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Silk Sonic…I mean…if they are a vibe…it will be a pleasure, cause The Trigger is a whole vibe!

What is one message you would give to your supporters?
Never give up your dreams. Music is for the young at heart, stay on your grind & set the narrative.

What is the most useless talent you have?
Knegil: Whistling.
H3: My most useless talent is the one that I don’t use. I don’t feel I have any useless talent. But I do have talents that are least utilized. And sometimes, even my most utilized talents become dormant due to inactivity. As an artist, you must continue to stir your gifts.

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?
Youth sports mentoring, giving back to the youth which is what I did on my hiatus from the music business.
H3: If I wasn’t doing music, I’d probably be acting and studying the craft more. I enjoy the art of storytelling and stretching my potential and taking on different modes of thinking. That’s hardwired in my personality.

Who are some artists you admire and why?
Rakim is one of the cornerstones that the foundation of hip-hop was built. His style of MC’ing and lyricism still reigns supreme until this day as one of the ill-est to ever spit. H3… I’ve always admired, and am a fan of, Busta Rhymes. He’s a “linguistic mad man”. His CRAZY performance energy and verbal flow has always been amazing to me. He’s Kinesthetic!! I am drawn to that! I also love Soul /R&B Artists with clever and conversational lyrics such as: Musiq Soul Child and Ne-Yo.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Knegil: Stay humble, be prepared and wait your turn. And when opportunity presents. Kill It!
H3: Walk quiet and carry a big stick. We have always been about action and execution.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
Knegil: The stigmatism and negativity (elaborate)
H3: Expand the musical limitations. Allowing the creativity of artists to breathe in the industry and allowing for diversity of styles and musicianship to take place at higher levels across the board. There’s so much potential in artists. The industry tends to pigeon hole an artist into one faction of his or her expression. We are all living our dreams out loud…Why limit the dream?

What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
Next, is winning awards/nominations on this new independent platform while transcending and elevating to higher levels of achievement in this game. Having our music and our likeness used in feature films, games, soundtracks, and other intellectual properties to establish our legacy and dominance in the game.

What is your social media?
How can people get in contact with you? IG: @triggerrun; FB: Triggerrun Trp; Tik Tok @triggerrun; YouTube: Triggerrun

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1. What is your Name? Joey Doyles, New Jersey.  I’ve always been in love with music more then anything but once I learned the business I was hooked for life.  I’d have to say the first thing was my passion for creativity and the lives a person could touch if he/she got his/her voice heard on a consistent basis around the world.  Just that possibility alone is what got me started out in the entertainment industry.  I remember thinking to myself that this is something I could really do with my life.  It was something I believed I could achieve, I love to make music and I love to make money.  It was a perfect fit for me.

2. Who and/or what inspires you to create? My inspiration for creativity was a whole bunch of things until my sons were born.  Now they are my inspiration.  Children are the ultimate creation.  I know I didn’t carry them but just knowing I assisted in the creation of them opened up my mindset.

3. How would you describe your sound? If I were to describe my sound in one word I’d have to say original.  I don’t copy trends or try to do what everyone else is doing.  I guess you can say I don’t have a specific sound too but more of a voice and I love writing music.  I believe I have a whole lot to say lyrically and an audience that can’t wait to listen.

4. What is your creative process like? Well for starters, the vibe is the key.  I don’t need no whole bunch of people around.  I just need a focused engineer and good weed.  I write new  lyrics everyday as well as search for the right beats but if the vibe ain’t right I’ll most likely fallback and think on it because I can cook on anything for creative purposes but when it’s right I get into my bag.  As long as the atmosphere🔥 we can work.  Once I hear the right record I usually like to process how I believe I would sound on it.  If I like how I’d assume I’d sound on it then we hit the studio.  If I like it after that I record, we will probably do mix after mix after mix until the right one stands out to us.  Once I select it, then we master it and add it to the collection.

5. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with? Hov, Jadakiss, Busta Rhymes, Lil Wayne, Drake, Migos, Gucci Mane, Kendrick Lamar, Ralo, lil baby, Dababy, DJ Khaled and Kanye to just name a few.

6. What is one message you would give to your supporters? I have appreciated every one of them since day one and I will continue to do so in the future.  If it wasn’t for my supporters, I wouldn’t have released any music at all.  They push me everyday to go harder and do better.  I love y’all and hope everyone of you stays tapped in because I’m about to drop more music then I ever have in my entire life.  My catalog is heavy and it’s on the way.

7. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about? My willingness ability to learn and absorb information.  I play stupid a lot but the truth is I learn fast and I adapt even faster.  That is why I get things done rather than waiting on someone else to do it for me.  These are talents rarely recognized but are extremely essential when doing business in the entertainment industry.

8. What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music? I’d probably be doing something where I could be helping as many people as possible.  In my spare time I love to be involved in the bettering of our communities and the growth of our youth.  Fighting for real actual change, starting with racism. It’s something I’ve been exposed to my whole life and if I could do my part to change any of it that is most likely what I’d be doing if it wasn’t for music.

9. Who are some artists/people you admire and why? You gotta admire people like Busta Rhymes for his originality and great artist like Tupac for his storytelling.  Also, you gotta respect people like Jay Z for his longevity combined w/ success in the music business and not just his music.  It’s simply amazing, an amazing goal as an artist and something we all in this business aspire to achieve.  

10. What is the best advice you’ve been given?  “Chase the dream not the money”

11. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? The structure in which business is handled.  It is a ruthless business but with great risk and even better rewards.  The politics behind the scenes morality is at an all time low.  I’d change that given the opportunity.  There has to be a better way for independent artist to grow and get things done without the deception included.  Having some type of representation is a must and that is something I will be focusing on in the future.

12. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself next year? After speaking to a few people in the industry about my music and plans I have decided to start releasing my music more frequently.  I’m looking to get involved with a few tours, dive into the business of marketing and possibly link up with a major in the future under the right circumstances.  Right now I just want to keep on growing and expanding my brand.

13. What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you? For business, text only * 1-609-222-3055 or@joeydoyles on all social media platforms.@getmoneygivelove on IG & Tiktok@getmoneygiveluv on Twitterwww.getmoneygivelove.com only – 6092223055

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[La Bodega]Quarantine Talk: Hard Disk Drive



SO. What are your Names? where you’re from and what first got you interested in the
entertainment industry?
HDD. Hard Disk Drive are:
Dinos Fil. – Vocals/Guitars
Thanos K. – Drums
Paris Ch. – Guitars
Dinos & Thanos are from a small town in the Greek countryside while Paris is from
All three of us are huge heavy metal fans from a very young age, therefore playing music
and forming a band came as a natural transition to express our creative needs.

SO. Who and/or what inspires you to create?
HDD. Our debut album is called “Immortal Nightmares”, showing that we draw inspiration
from everyday battles, worries and everything related.
Sometimes all different feelings are filtered through fictional perspective, since fantasy
is often a gateway to channel out everyday hardships.

SO. How would you describe your sound?
HDD. Let’s sum it up in 3 words: heavy, melodic, dark! We like to pursue an old – school aesthetic,
however filtered through a more modern sound, combining all our different influences.

SO. What is your creative process like?
HDD. We basically get together in a room and we jam through ideas each of us has.
Most of the times music comes first and then we match whatever fits from Dinos’ lyric
Once we have a basic idea of the song, we record it in a demo format in our home studio
and continue from there.

SO. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
HDD. Quite frankly with each and everyone of our idols, haha !
Also, the Greek scene is very strong and it would be interested if we could collaborate
with an artist of a different musical background.

On our upcoming album we’ve collaborated with George Halliwell of Fortis Ventus who
brought in a more atmospheric tone to our sound. Thus, it would be very interesting to
incorporate orchestral parts and even darker colors, similar to the style of Septicflesh,
Chaostar or Dead Can Dance.

SO. What is one message you would give to your supporters?
HDD. We hope our upcoming album will be worth the wait, be sure to check it out in all digital
platforms on October 4th !
Also a big thank you for all the support throughout the years !

SO. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?
HDD. One thing that probably separates us is the capability to write music that combines old-
school aesthetics with a more modern approach. We have been told that the music
rings a bell from classic albums yet still sounding fresh and intriguing to a new listener.
8.What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?
All of us have everyday jobs. This is what pays for everything, including our passion for
music. On the other hand this is also what sometimes holds us back from taking risks
that would probably take us further as band.

SO. Who are some artists/people you admire and why?
HDD. The music of Hard Disk Drive derives from the combination of mainly two genres; the classic
heavy metal origins we all grew up with and remain at the top of our playlists (bands like Iron
Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Accept) combined with gothic metal influences,
such as Paradise Lost, Poisonblack and Charon.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Over the years we’ve listened some good and some terrible advice.
As simple as it may sound the best one has been to never give up and always believe in

When Asked “What is the best advice you’ve been given?

SO. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
HDD. We certainly are not a band to know enough about the industry.
However we would encourage small bands to pursue a more DIY path, since our little
experience has proved that the more business and third parties are involved, the less
fun you have being in a band.
Of course, business is mandatory to take the next step but things seem to change over
the years for the better.

SO. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
HDD. Hopefully the pandemic will come to an end once and for all and we can get back to
playing live shows.
Until then we hope our new material reaches a new audience so we can visit more
places for a gig!

SO. What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you? 
HDD. You can reach us through the following links:

You can also find our merch on bandcamp:

#GetSOM Via @DJGojabean @HardDiskDrive_Band @StraightOfficialMag #QuarantineTalk #LaBodega #StraightOfficialMagazine

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Meet John Holcombe of The After Set on WRFG 89.3 FM in Lil 5 Points

Thanks for sharing your story with us John. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
A guy by the name of Victor Walker had a radio show on WRFG 89.3 FM called Ridin Durty Radio that came on Thursday night from 3 am to 6 am. I was working at the airport and had Wednesdays and Thursdays off. So, one day, I went up there to support him. I saw he was playing music from Underground/Independent artists that I heard in the clubs that the other radio stations weren’t playing. After the show, I told him how can I be a part of the show whether it was promoting the show, finding music, booking guests, anything I could do to bring value to the show. A year later, I met a woman named Christiana Davis aka ‘Bosslady’ and we became really good friends. She was given an opportunity to start an internet radio station called Atlanta Hott Radio. At that time, the internet radio was just popping off. So, I was doing Atlanta Hott Radio and sitting in at Ridin Durty. Whatever I was learning from Vic I was applying to our show. Later, I would get my own show called The Prezidente Suite Radio Show which I started from my dining room. I would buy mixtapes, albums that came out on Tuesdays, music from the record pools and any independent artists that sounded good. From the Internet Radio station, Bosslady and I started a showcase BattleHottlanta where we would give away a thousand dollars. After 12 showcases we stopped, but I continued to do Ridin Durty with Vic until he retired. WRFG had a broadcasting class to be a program engineer. It was close to Father’s Day, so my kids surprised me by paying for the class. Took the class and graduated. I met a guy by the name of Horace Hawkins aka DJ Powerlord through Vic and the broadcasting class. DJ Powerlord had a show idea and that is how the After Set show came about. I also started a production company Prezidente Suite Productions which I produce along with DJ T-Did-That a show called Down In The Dirty Mixshow where we are preserving the roots of Southern Hip Hop while playing independent artists.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
My wife passed away in 2011. I fell into a deep depression. I was a single dad with three kids working and doing radio. I felt like quitting, but I couldn’t let my kids down. With help from my in-laws, I was able to work and do the radio for the last ten years.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into The After Set on WRFG 89.3 FM story. Tell us more about it.
The show is called The After Set Hosted By DJ Powerlord, Big Al, and me J.Prez. We are only showing on Atlanta FM radio that plays Bass Music, Funk, Soul, R&B and Gives Independent Artists a shot at airplay through our monthly Pump It or Dump It segment. All you have to do is have your song CLEAN song (RADIO EDIT)

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
Ain’t no luck. Just believe you can do it and put a plan together and following it through.

      Contact Info:

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For over two decades, the fleet dj’s has grown from a small crew to a proficient coalition with over 500 members and counting. since 2001, THE WORLDWIDE FLEET DJ’s has changed the lives of both its members and the entertainment industry they have thrived in.

These are the members. These are Their Stories. THESE ARE “THE FLEET FILES”

Name: DJ JazzyBeatz

FLeet DJ Since: ????

Location: Richmond, Virginia

Region: East Coast/Virginia Fleet DJ’s


She calls herself the #1 female DJ in the East Coast. DJ JazzyBeatz is from Richmond VA but established herself in Sanford FL. She was raised in the same city Trayvon Martin was killed in, but she promises to tell that story another time. She became a DJ because of the passion held for music and dancing. According to Jazzy, it all started with Breakdancing and All style dancing many years ago. Her DJ name came from her B Girl Name, “B Girl Jazzybeatz”, her breakdance coach gave her the name. Okay, but did you ever know she used to be a dancer? Deemed as America’s hypewoman and record breaker, we shouldn’t even be surprised. We’re so glad to have Jazzy a part of the Fleet DJ’s team because her titles really hold weight – she comes through strong ever time! So we know how she got started, but what brought her to where she is now?


We asked DJ Jazzybeatz about what music she’s playing right now and she gave us some fabulous answers! First she listed Remy Ma indisputably, because of how she goes off in such a classy way. Next, she listed one of my favorites for Louisville, KY, Marzz because she’s signed to Timbaland who hails out of Virginia. I love Marzz so I couldn’t agree more. Last but not least, YG; he gets the people going and brings a fun energy to any party. Jazz loves having a good time with her people, but please avoid the bad odors and shootouts away from ANY event! The people that inspire her are within her family, there’s not really one particular person. We cannot cite them as being one not the best family but her talents come from pieces of all them especially her mother and father. Family – we thank you for her!


Jazz does a lot in the industry. She helps artists with development, marketing, promotion, managing, as well as working in music studios as a director/content creator.  What does JazzyBeatz say to upcoming game players? Keep going, no matter what happens in your life, negative or positive, KEEP GOING & stay consistent. She gives thanks to God; without his mercy and grace Jazzy would not be here because “he rose me from dead not once but 3 times due to heart disease” so Shoutout to JESUS! Also, FEMALES CAN DO IT TO!!! This industry is hard for women because of other females or male perception of SheDjs! It’s all love over here; DJ Jazzy Beatz will greet every person, supporter and friends with OPEN ARMS LOVE so we have to show her some love too!

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[La Bodega]Quarantine Talk: Javier Luis



SO. What is your Name?
JL. My name is Javier Luis.  where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry? 
I was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico and raised in New York City’s Upper West Side. 
Music has always been a part of my family growing up. As a baby, I started singing before speaking. 
One of the first songs that my mother said i use to sing as a child was “Que Viva Chango” lol Makes perfect sense today, I am the son of Chango. 
My first taste of singing was when I auditioned and got picked to performed at my 8th grade talent show, I was so scared but when I got through my song and saw the audiences reaction (and it was a FULL house), the feedback and the adrenalin that I felt, I knew this was something I wanted to continue doing for LIFE.

SO. Who and/or what inspires you to create?
JL. My muse and my mother Carmen Martinez inspires me to create. 
I grew up singing and performing in English and was a lead singer in a 40 member Gospel choir for many years. 
My mother was always on top of me telling me that I should really consider singing in Spanish. 
I kind of ignored that suggestion for many years until she approached me with a song she wrote titled “Alma Chapada A La Antigua”.  She read it to me and helped me understand the lyrics. 
I decided to take the song and research a Salsa producer. 
I found one and went into the studio and invited 12 musicians including coro singers to create what would be my first Salsa song ever.  By the way, I am proud to say that my mother who is also a member of ASCAP music as a songwriter has written a few of the songs on my first and second CD productions. 
My muse is what also inspires me.  When he or she kicks in i swear I do not have normal brain cells or think like the average person. My minds creative mode becomes deep and daring. 
For example…the story board for all of my music videos were created by me, some times I find that i am directing the director of the music video, all of the melodic arrangements from lead vocal to background vocals on many of my Salsa and ballad songs and my English songs were created by me, I’ve written my own English songs in which I’ve won awards for and have co-written soneos in many of my salsa songs.  When my muse is sleeping, I kinda find myself lost.  It’s all about my muse. 

SO. How would you describe your sound? 
JL. I’d like to describe my sound as a combination of some classic Salsa swing with modern romantic twist.  Many have criticized romantic Salsa, but I always made sure I worked with producers and arrangers who can add that funky classic Salsa element  to today Romantic sound. As a second tenor, my vocals have been described to be rich in tone and my delivery very passionate.   I am very picky with songs.  I don’t want to come across as a bougie Puerto Rican but it’s all about the lyrics for me.  

SO. What is your creative process like? 
JL. My mood dictates my songs.  I like to spend time by myself when writing songs.  I’ve been asked by people in the past to co-write a song together and I tell you….That doesn’t work for me.  I can’t be in the same room with others when writing.  Also part of my creative process is mental. Lyrics are also very important to me.  I am a fan of musica intellectual.  When i sing the lyrics to a song, i need to know all of its meanings.   Once i know what each word means i can connect deeply with the song on a spiritual level and when I get to that level, my audience can really feel me. Going to the gym to work on my body and do my vocal exercises at home also sets my mind on that creative process.  In a world full of Salsa singers, i like to think outside the box, push envelopes and perhaps either make some feel uncomfortable or make some people aspire to follow my lead with a non traditional approach. 

SO. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with? 
JL. I’ve always wanted to collaborate with La India.

SO. What is one message you would give to your supporters? 
JL. My message to my supporters is “THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING SO FAITHFUL AND SUPPORTIVE OF ME AND MY MUSIC.  There have been moments where I’d run into a dry spell in my career and when I have returned to the stage, my fans have always pulled through and filled the house up with their presence.  I am truly blessed.

SO. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about? 
JL. Cooking.  My mother and my grand-father taught me to cook and fend for myself.  My family have encouraged me to open up a restaurant.  I love to cook my traditional Puerto Rican foods, plus I love to cook Italian, Asian, I love to bake cakes from scratch.  The best part of cooking and creating in the kitchen is getting my dinner guests expression when they get their first bite of my food.  Who knows, maybe one day I’ll open up a restaurant or a food truck.  I’ll be known as the singing chef.  LOL 

SO. What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music? 
JL. Probably cooking full time. 

SO. Who are some artists/people you admire and why? 
JL. I admire and gravitate towards vocalists.  I love powerful singers and would pay money to go to concerts for artists such as Celia Cruz, Luis Miguel, Marc Anthony, La India, Whitney Houston, Patti Labelle, Mariah Carey, Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Andrea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo. 

SO. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 
JL. Stop making the music industry into a modeling industry.  Real talented vocalist are being by passed and the the monies are being invested in good looking boys and girls who’s vocals are fixed in the studio.  I think vocal talent shows on tv have ruined the industry.  Because of this show,  EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHERS want to be singers.  I think real talented people are being left behind.  Singing is a sacred art and its not given the respect it deserves.  

SO. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year? 
JL. Right now my single “Yo no soy un delincuente” will be re-released in March under Chu-Bano Entertainment in which i am very excited about.  I say re-release because I originally released “Yo no soy un delincuente” back in June of 2019 and so many obstacles have presented itself including the pandemic which put a damper on my songs potential.   I also have a couple of other projects that i have been working on since 2021 that i hope to realize this year.  I don’t want to say much about my other projects at the moment.  I come from the old school way of thinking, don’t share any pre-productions until you know 99% of it is completed.  When it is ready to be released, then you can start on heavy promotions a month or two before it’s release with a little snippet of the song or music video.   Now I see many people in the recording doing facebook live letting the world hear what they are creating.  I think that’s a big mistake and you’re kinda jinxing yourself. I come from a very spiritual family and I have always been told that ‘You should never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and you should never your right hand know what your left hand is doing. (sounds better in Spanish LOL).  In other words, during your creative process and pre-production and during production, keep everything under wraps.  Not everyone wants to see you succeed and a person(s) jealous and negative thoughts can be the worst witch craft casted on a person….if you believe in that.  

SO. What is your social media?
JL. You can follow me on
and you can also find information on my website Singer | Javier Luis
Also via email or

One advice that I’ve been given was “find your own voice”.  When I started singing and performing around New York City, I was always told that I look or sound like this artist and that artist.  That advice helped me get out of that imitation mode that I was in and helped me find “Javier Luis”

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

#GetSOM Via @DJGojabean @JavierLuisVoz @StraightOfficialMag #QuarantineTalk #LaBodega #StraightOfficialMagazine

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[La Bodega]Quarantine Talk: Katre


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SO. What are your Names? where you’re from and what first got you interested in the
entertainment industry?
K. Hello and thanks for having us.
My name is Hasan, I am the guitar player of the instrumental rock band Katre.
Together with Şah Cihan (Synth),
Okaner (Drums), and
Özgür (Bass),
Katre has been around for seven years now.
The band is based in Berlin. Half of the band members live in Turkey and the other half in

SO. Who and/or what inspires you to create?
K. Hasan: There are certain things I cannot understand. Do you know the song “Learning to
Live” by Dream Theater? There it says “I look at the world and see no understanding”. That
is, I guess, my motivation to create and how I protest against it.

SO. How would you describe your sound?
K. Hasan: Layered, heavy, sometimes optimistic, and sometimes pessimistic.

SO. What is your creative process like?
K. Hasan: Usually, I write the songs and the stories, play the guitars, and maybe add some midi
arrangements. Each band member extends and enriches the material by recording their
parts and giving constant feedback to the others. Besides being talented musicians, we are
talking about very good music listeners in Katre, so it is hard to convince them. We iterate
until everybody feels good with the result. Hence, when we are happy with the final
product, I know we did a good job 🙂

SO. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
K. Hasan: My choice would be Daniel Gildenlöw of Pain of Salvation.

SO. What is one message you would give to your supporters?
K. Hasan: First of all, thanks for supporting us, we appreciate it. If I may, I would like to add the
following: When listening to our songs, read the stories we created for each of them.
Empathize and feel with the protagonists. This will most probably give you a different
listening experience.

SO. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?
K. Hasan: Cool question 🙂 I do not know. I have some scientific publications. Haha, not quite
sure, does that count as a skill?

SO. What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?
K. Hasan: Probably reading a book or watching a movie

SO. Who are some artists/people you admire and why?
K. Hasan: Artist-wise Erkan Oğur, a great musician and personality from Turkey, is a huge
influence. He values silence in music. This inspired me a lot. By the way, he contributed to
the opening track of Encounters with his magical guitar solo. Also Daniel Gildenlöw. He is a
modern-day philosopher, a great musician, and has a sincere personality.
Apart from this, I admire Selahattin Demirtaş, because apart from his contributions to
democracy in Turkey, he has written incredible stories. Another important personality for
me is Ömer Madra, the editor-in-chief of an award-winning independent radio from Turkey,
Açık Radyo. I admire his perseverance and value his contributions towards creating
awareness on global warming and climate change, long before it came to the attention of
the mainstream media.

“You do not have to love one, but respect one”.

Hasan: when asked “What is the best advice you’ve been given”?

SO. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
K. Hasan: The way how Spotify allocates the royalties (and treated artists). I would change it
such that only the artists I listen to receive the royalties – not any other popular band which
already has 3 million followers.

SO. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
K. Hasan: We are working on some visual materials and at the same time contacting promoters
for playing live. Due to the pandemic, it is hard to find appropriate slots. So I will not be
disappointed if we are not booked. But concerning the visual materials, I think we will have
one or two video clips in the next few months.

SO. What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you? 
K. Hasan: I guess checking our web page is the best way to get in touch
as you can find social media information there as well. Thanks a lot for having us. We enjoyed
the questions. Wish you all the best!

#GetSOM Via @DJGojabean @KatreMusic @StraightOfficialMag #QuarantineTalk #LaBodega #StraightOfficialMagazine

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[La Bodega]Quarantine Talk: Exorcizphobia



SO. What are your Names? where you’re from and what first got you interested in the
entertainment industry?
EX. Hello! We are thrash metal band from Trutnov, Czech Republic
Tomas Skorepa – guitar, vocals
Ondra Sima – guitar
Ales Kostka – bassguitar
Tomas Kejkrt – drums
We are not interested in entertainment industry, we are interested in music 🙂

SO. Who and/or what inspires you to create?
EX. Sex, Drugs and Rock’nRoll 🙂 …

SO. How would you describe your sound?
EX. We trying to sound different than every other thrash metal band out there. But are we successful in
it? That’s on dear listener’s judgement.

SO. What is your creative process like?
EX. Tomas Skorepa is the mastermind of our band and the other members participate.
He sends his ideas recorded as demos and the rest of us works on our parts (solos, bass links,

SO. What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
EX. We have already collaborated with Lahar, Kaar, Catastrofy on split albums and now we are
preparing split with Costa Rican band Heresy. No particular wishes about future collaboration

SO. What is one message you would give to your supporters?
EX. Huge thanks to all our fans and all people supporting metal scene. Keep on thrashin’!

SO. What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?
EX. We all are pretty skilled in cooking. You can check our FB 🙂

SO. What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?
EX. There would be no reason to live

SO. Who are some artists/people you admire and why?
EX. We admire all the promoters, underground publishers and all the people around metal
scene for their power to go on even in these hard times and our partners and friends for
their patience and support

SO. What is the best advice you’ve been given?
EX. Play, doesn’t matter where, just play. – Tom Morello

SO. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
EX. We would eliminate parasites participating in music industry – especially regarding the ones
hiding behind copyright law

SO. What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
EX. We will be working on new LP. Also would be great to perform on some bigger festivals

SO. What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you? 

#QuarantineTalk #StraightOfficialMagazine #DigitalMagazine

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[La Bodega] Quarantine Talk: Boriqua Posse



SO: What is your Name? Where are you from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?
BP: Anthony Quinones aka Boriqua Posse,I’m from the Bronx NY
I started out as a dancer and found that being on stage was something I really enjoyed and when my opportunity knocked I opened the door.

SO: Who and/or what inspires you to create?
BP: What inspires me is the look on the faces and there reaction to my music and performance and my desire to want to make more music

SO: How would you describe your sound?
BP: I’d say very high energy and catchy

SO: What is your creative process like?
BP: I sit in darkness and focus on the music and have to have my coffee

SO: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?
BP: Id love to collaborate with Dua Lipa Or 50 cent

SO: What is one message you would give to your supporters?
BP: I will never let you down musically I’m fresh and have a great feel for music and my journey into sound is far from gone join me on my journey

SO: What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?
BP: Cutting hair cooking interior decorating stand up comedy

SO: What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?
BP: I’d be a 5star chef Or master barber

I admire my dear friend freestyle legend Edee for her perseverance and her willing to smile while fighting cancer

Boriqua Posse when asked, Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

SO: What is the best advice you’ve been given?
BP: To never give up to fight hard

SO: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
BP: I would definitely change the promoters they have favorites And don’t give a chance to new artists to shine

SO: What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?
BP: I’d love to get a Latin music award and be respected by my peers in the industry

SO: What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?
BP: Anthony “Boriqua Posse” Quinones on Facebook
Boriqua Posse on Instagram & Tik Tok

#GetSOM Via @StraightOfficialMag @djgojabean
#StraightOfficialMag #DJGojabean #LaBodega #QuarantineTalk #BoriquaPosse #FreestyleMusic #LatinHouse #Latino #Bronx #NewYork

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