

The Watchlist: Conversation with a Vision | DO$E


Welcome to The Watchlist: Conversation With a Vision where Straight Official’s own DJ Gea chops it up with a purpose. DO$E is an trendsetting artist who is calling next in music and fashion.


DJ GEA: Let our readers know where you’re from & how did the city you lived in motivate you and push you?

DO$E: I’m from Dallas, Tx. I love being from Texas, I think it’s nothing like a great rapper from the south. It’s something about that southern accent and swag.

How did you get started in music? What was it about music that caught your attention?

I’ve always been a writer and I’ve always loved music. I wrote a lot of poetry and used to read a lot growing up. I’ve always had a passion for music as long as I can remember and I didn’t start writing raps until I was 18.

Where did the name come from?

My best friend came up with it, I had been going back and forth between a few names and nothing seemed to stick. Soon as she suggested Dose it stuck and has been my name ever since.


How long have you been doing music? What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

I started writing raps at 18, but I didn’t start recording until I was about 20 years old and my biggest accomplishment so far is reaching 10k views on a video that I released called “Check On It.”


What do you bring to the game that no other artist is bringing now?

I don’t want to ride a wave, I want to bring something new, and have my music motivate boss women all over the world. My goal is to bring back music videos that look like movies, and stand out as I get creative with each track and video I release.

In 2023 how do you plan to set the tone?

Consistency. I’ve been making music for about two years now, but I’ve never done so consistently. I feel I’ve taken enough time to duck off and work on my craft and sound. Now I’m ready to elevate and shake the game up with this Dallas swag. 

What are some things you inspire to do with your music?

I inspire to be unpredictable. I want to keep my audience on their toes and engaged for a long time. One of the main things I want to do is be creative and think outside of the box for concepts and my work in the future.


Describe your style of music?

I would describe my style of music as one that incorporates wordplay and switching up my flow. 

What’s your process for writing a song?

Typically I hear a beat and if I’m drawn to it, I can immediately write to it. When that begins I paint a picture in my head and catch a vibe.

Have you had any live shows and if so tell me about your favorite performance?

I’ve only had one so far. It was for a live contest. I was very nervous, but the crowd and judges received me well and it was an amazing feeling!


What single are you pushing and How did it come about? How long did it take you to write it? Who is the producer?
Is there a visual for the song?

I’m about to release my new single “Twelve” on January 31st. There is a visual coming out that I’m planning to drop in mid-February. I’m very excited to drop the visual, it’s my favorite so far. The song was produced by Migueleazy on Instagram. The song didn’t take long, it came to me naturally once I heard the beat, and 30 minutes later I had a hit on my hands. 


Besides music, are there any other ventures you are currently sewing your seeds in?

I went to school and got a degree in Fashion Design and I put my fashion dreams on hold to focus on my music, but now I plan on revisiting that dream and exploring my clothing line. In every video I’ve posted either I or one of my video vixens are wearing original pieces hand sewn by me.

Where do you see yourself in the next 3 to 5 years?

In the next 3-5 years, I see myself finding success within my music and starting my fashion line.

Let the people know how to get in contact with you.

Theonlydose on IG
Dallas Dose for YouTube and Tiktok

#GetSOM via DJ Gea
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The Watchlist: Conversation With a Vision | Ms. BÈQUILLE


Welcome to The Watchlist: Conversations With a Vision where Straight Official’s own DJ Gea chops it up with a purpose. Ms. BÈQUILLE is an emerging public figure who is staking her claim in the fashion world.

With the initiative of Pharoh Khepri, CEO of Unspoken Model Management, she mapped out a fashion show tour of three major cities. With her drive & direction paired with the organization & event skills, she and her team have created a blueprint for the underdogs. RDB Fashion has been on Buzz TV and RiverCity Live. Jacksonville News has published her twice!


DJ GEA: Let our readers know where you’re from and how did the city where you lived motivate and push you?

Ms. BÈQUILLE: . I am from Queens NY & motivation is the reason why you act or behave in a certain way. It’s the driving force that pushes you to take action, in spite of your fear or lack thereof.

Growing up in New York City where everything is fast paced, talent everywhere and everyone is trying to make it had a huge effect on my mindset. Watching people hustle on the subways, streets or just utilizing any area to their advantage motivated me with the consistency and drive I have today.

What kind of field or business do you work in and how did you get started?

I am in the fashion industry producing fashion shows. I’ve always had a love for fashion. The conception of RDB Fashion Show stemmed with a conversation with my late father, Donald Crutch. I always had a dream of my brand, (Béquille) being attached to a fashion show.

The fashion show debuted in Queens, New York in September of 2017. It was a sold out event that had patrons standing along the walls and a line around the corner. At this point, I was watching my dreams come to fruition!

RBD Fashion Show


So tell me more about RDB Fashion. What goes into an event that you organize?

The production behind this event included a celebrity makeup artist & a celebrity photographer. The global pandemic tried to stop my dream but after meeting Pharoh Khepri Show coordinator RDB picked up in Jacksonville Florida with another sold-out event, on May 21st, 2021.

With celebrity guest designer, Isaac Spry who tailored customs from the blockbuster, Black Panther as well as the hit TV series The Walking Dead. This ignited a fire within me to continue on with the RDB Fashion Show and take it on the road.

Did you experience any setbacks in your journey?

In January 2022 Pharoh Khepri passed away which was a very emotional time for RDB . We decided to continue to keep the vision alive and CEO Tiara Crutch & Marcus McNeil, CEO of Xclusive Entertainment decided to join forces. Tiara & Marcus bonded through grieving the lost of their dear friend. Xclusive Entertainment was founded by Marcus McNeil. Born in Memphis, Tennessee.

What is the endgame of RDB Fashion?  

RDB was created to bring awareness to talent & businesses who weren’t getting the exposure & opportunities needed. “We are for the underdogs!” RDB means “concrete rose” in English! We want to be the example of how no matter your environment or struggles you can still come out stronger & amazing.


What has been your favorite part of doing what you do?

Being able to bring opportunities for people .

How long have you been in business ? What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

I’ve been in business five years. Our biggest accomplishment is how well we continue to expand each year and attract more interest from people not only in the fashion industry.

Out of all the hats, your wear which is your favorite?

My favorite hat to wear is my mom hat.

In 2023 how do you plan to set the tone?

Many brands fall into the trap of adopting a tone of voice from someone in their industry “should” use. However, your goal should be to stand out so your customers remember you. We plan on setting a different tone.

What is your favorite event you have hosted or attended?

A. I love attending “The Stomp Down” because I enjoy how involved they are in their audience and making sure you have a good time.


Have patience and put out quality. Don’t rush to the outcome without enjoying the process.

Ms. BÈQUILLE’s process on getting to the bag


If you could describe you in one word what would you say and why?

I am a motivator. I listen, How do you motivate others without listening to them? The truth is that you’ll never be able to inspire others to action if you’re the one talking all the time. Listening is essential. It shows that you’re interested in what others have to say and you care about their lives. It also allows you to uncover their passions, which you can use to motivate them.

What are some things you inspire to do with your brands?

I inspire to expand by adding a podcast and a magazine.

So besides your business, are there any other ventures you’re currently sewing seeds into?

Yes. I am currently invested into the medical field.

What is something you want or readers to know?

Don’t be afraid to fail! Failing gives you experience. Utilize your failures as stepping stones towards your success. Don’t give up. For every “No” Strive to get five “yes’s.”


Let the people know how to get in contact with you

You can find me on Instagram @ms.bequille and the fashion show on Instagram and Facebook @rdbxclusive

Photo credits : T4Photography, eddension studios, New Lens Photo, Jus am’s photography

#GetSOM via DJ Gea & check out more of the site by clicking here.
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Neika Simone Is Here To Stay

Neika Simone

We got the chance to catch up with R&B soulstress NEIKA SIMONE to get to know her better. We quickly learned why she’s the Queen of the current independent R&B scene.


How Did You Come Up With your Stage Name? Please tell us where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

I’m from Kings Mountain, NC but currently live outside of the Richmond, VA area. My stage name Neika Simone came from trying to figure out if I should use my full first name (Toneika) or shorten it. I always knew I’d use Simone. I’m named after Nina Simone and thought about how Neika was similar to Nina and decided to go with that. I think I’ve always been interested in the music industry, but life didn’t align enough for me to move in that direction until a few years ago.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

My life experiences have inspired what and how I create.

How would you describe your sound?

I think I have a unique sound. My voice is smooth with a quiet strength and full of range.

Neika Simone
Photo cred:


What is your creative process like?

I write by either listening to music and allowing lyrics to come to me or either I hear music in my mind, and build the entire song from there. Sometimes I journal to fully explore where I want the song lyrics to go.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

That’s a great question! I love Lalah Hathaway! She would be my hands down first choice! I also love Maysa, Moonchild, Sade, and Kem. I could go on and on. There’s so many great artists out there!

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?

I’d love to open for Lalah Hathaway or Kem!! That would be amazing!!!

Neika Simone

Keep Going. Life throws all kinds of curveballs our way. Keep Going! Things won’t happen when or how you’d like but you’ll get there

Neika Simone’s message to her fans


What is the most useless talent you have?

I guess I would say watching movies multiple times. I notice something different each time I watch the movie.

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

I have absolutely no idea! When I was younger I had a strong interest in medicine. I guess I’d probably be a nurse or nurse practitioner.

Who are some artists you admire and why?

The artist who made me fall in love with jazz is Ella Fitzgerald. Her story has always inspired me. One of her famous quotes says “It isn’t where you come from, it’s where you’re going that counts!”

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

I’ve been told to be true to myself. That can be a challenge in this industry. People will try to pull you in different directions. That can be scary because you don’t want to do something that could jeopardize success. Ultimately, remember who you are and be true to that. Being genuine will always shine through.

Neika Simone

Remember who you are and be true to that. Being genuine will always shine through

Neika Simone on the best advice that she’s received


If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I dislike how people will try to take advantage of you. You really have to protect yourself and understand the business of it all. You need people around you who will be honest and will help point you in the right direction.

Congratulations on your latest project this year! Tell Us About It.

Yes, you’re correct! I released music for the first time and it’s been a fun ride! In February, I released an EP titled Beautiful Moments. The project has smooth jazz and R&B soul songs. In addition, I did two songs Picture Perfect and Tell Me that are R&B soul songs.

What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

In March I will release a new album called Point of View. I also have performances scheduled throughout the year. I’m looking forward to performing, making music and connections with fans.

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

You can find me on my website at, Instagram @Neika_Simone, Facebook @Neika Simone, TikTok @Neika Simone1, Twitter @Neika Simone

#GetSOM via @djspins and read about more emerging artists by clicking here.

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Straight Official Sit Downs: CapriceGully

CAPRICEGULLY is an up and coming artist that got in our hot seat for this edition of Straight Official Sit Downs. @klassikceo served up the questions and the vibe between the two was dope! Check out their one-on-one down below and click here for more editions of emerging artists on Straight Official Sit Downs!


What is your Name? Where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is CapriceGully and I’m from Augusta, Georgia. What got me interested in the entertainment industry is the music first & the independent run that No Limit Records & Master P accomplished.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

My uncle Kendric Dudley & my passion for music & being able to express myself. It’s my stress reliever.

How would you describe your sound?

My sound is a mix of Street/Trap/Party.


What is your creative process like?

My team and I go into the studio to pull up beats. Sometimes my producer 3rd Eye starts creating a beat & I start to write or punch in, depending on the vibes.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Drake, MoneyBag Yo, Future, BG, Jeezy, Maxon Kreem, & Key Glock.


Keep supporting me & I’m going to bring more value in music. Rewarding as many fans as I can.


What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

I’m a beast on the grill!

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

Doing what I’m doing currently. I work as a Nuclear Security Officer to continue to provide for me family.

9. Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

Master P. I learned independence/ownership from him. 2pac. I learned passion for music and how powerful it is. BG. The art of storytelling from a street figure point of view and Jeezy. The hustle & flow of the game. Go get ya money & when you do it do it big.


What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Invest in yourself as much as you can.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The 360 deal. All deals should be no more than a partnership with fair percentage splits.

What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself next year?

I just want to grow and & possibly have a real opportunity to showcase myself & my brand. Hopefully a joint venture partnership deal.

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

Instagram @CapriceGully Tiktok @CapriceGully YouTube @CapriceGully84

I can be contacted by e-mail at

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Mob Boogie Releases His Debut Single

We Recently Caught Up With The Amazon Music Charting, Wisconsin Racine Recording Artist Mob Boogie To Catch Up With All He’s Working On And Everything We Need To Know About The Upcoming MC

Mob Boogie’s Single Debuting On The Amazon Charts

How did you come up with your stage name? Tell us where you’re from and what got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name comes from my friends always saying that I act like Ace Boogie from “Paid in Full”. I took it as a compliment. I was born in Southside Racine, Wi. What interested me in the industry was when my brother Alex told me wanted to rap and actually try to take this shit seriously and needed my help to try and make this work

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

Life inspires me to write, with everything going on. I need a way to express how I’m feeling and music seems to be the best fit so far.


How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my sound as soothing, aggressive, and compassionate. I see myself as mix of Dave East, YBN Cordae, & Polo G

What is your creative process like?

My creative process is very free range. I don’t write down my lyrics anymore. It’s all muscle memory. I hear a beat I like I’ll come up with a melody and chorus first after that move on to the verse. I create when the passion and urge is vey high because that’s when your most creative.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Artist I would like a feature would be; Polo G, Dave East, Grind 2 Hard O’Shea, Lil 2z, KiD Laroi, and T-Pain.

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?

If I could open for any artist it would be for Ice Cube or DaBaby.


What is one message you would give to your supporters?

To all my fans and supporters, y’all make this happen. I greatly appreciate everyone of you and everything you do. From plays, comments, views, shares, down to the likes. I’m grateful and blessed for everyone of you

Picture Of Mob Boogies Latest Single Being Promoted On 42nd St Times Square

What is the most useless talent you have?

There’s no such thing as useless talents. Any talent can be turned into something beautiful and amazing

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

If it wasn’t for music, I would be in school studying Bio-Medical Engineering.

Who are some artists you admire and why?

The artists that really inspire me are J. Cole and Ice Cube because outside of the music they’re still good humans.


What is the best advice you’ve received?

The best advice I received was “Life is like a piano. You’re gonna hit the wrong keys, but take time to hit the right notes.”

You Dropped Your Latest Release Earlier this Year. Tell Us About It

My newest release is “No Balenciaga‘s”, is a song that I had made back in like 2017. It Actually Debuted On The Amazon Top 100 New Hip-hop Sales Chart For Two Days Straight, I’m Excited For all there is To Come.

Cover For Mob Boogies Single No Balenciagas
Mob Boogie Single No Balenciagas Official Audio On Youtube Provided ByMob World Muzic/ Wild Dogs Ent

What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

By next year I plan to release my mixtape “T.I.M.” on all music streaming platforms.

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

You can follow me @M.o.BBooGie on IG,FB, YouTube.

#GetSOM via @djspins & check out more emerging artists by clicking here!

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Ruciano

RUCIANO stopped by our headquarters this week to take the hot seat for this edition of Straight Official Sit Downs. The New York MC chopped it up with SOMag’s own @klassikceo and you can check out their one-on-one down below! Be sure to check out more Straight Official Sit Downs by clicking here.


What is your Name? Where are you from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is Ruciano otherwise known as Brooklyn’s Aquaman and I’m from Atlantis. What first got me interested in entertainment is of course the legends like BIG, Eminem, and Jay-Z. But I truly wouldn’t be here without my godbrother pushing me to take rhyming serious. It was something that I use to just play around with as a kid but he was always the one to tell me to take it serious. And so I did. 

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

Sometimes its just me inspiring myself because imagination and the tongue is a powerful source. Other times I choose to let life’s experiences inspire me. That would be family, close friends,  my surroundings, things of that nature.


How would you describe your sound?

There is no limitation to my sound. Sometimes I’m mad so the beat is more aggressive, my wordplay is fierce, and I’m coming off mad abrasive and because I speak my mind Im confident. But then I could totally switch my sound and give you a body of work that can relate to any situation.  My sound is camouflage in my eyes, it just blends in with everything.

What is your creative process like?

The creative process behind the project was real straightforward. I’ve been doing this Aquaman thing for a while my label, P.U.R.E Records Music, played off that and got me connected with producer J Clyde and it was up from there. With them I got to morph my sound into something I wasn’t use to. It was challenging at first but once we were able to create a new sound it became natural and I’m just proud to be a part of it all. The title is a spin-off from a comic book but it is also opening up to the world letting them know I’m coming in on a new wave and I’m here to stay. 

 What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

I’d be willing to collaborate with just about anyone creatively. I’m all about making a good song while still keeping my integrity as an MC. Some people I’d like to work with for sure would be Lil Durk, Lil Baby, Weezy, and many others in any genre. Some producers would be DJ Premier, Metro-boom, Mustard, Alchemist or Timbaland and many more.


What is one message you would give to your supporters?

I would first like to first thank them for believing in me and sticking around for the process. Whether you were here from the beginning or you’re just starting right now. Secondly I would like to tell them to not let their situation make them. A lot of people face hard times and think it’s over—it’s never over until God says it’s over and that’s a fact. Hard work and consistency really does pay off but it’s up to you to take initiative. 

What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

Most people don’t know this but I was actually really interested in playing basketball at one time. I use to play a lot in my free time but before I could even try out for a team I got shot at 17 and things changed. Ma Dukes wasn’t haven’t it and that solidified me not being able to play anymore. 

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

If I could I would’ve really wanted to play sports but since I can’t I’d probably be working a regular 9-5. Maybe even dabbling in fashion on the side.

Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

I honestly admire anyone who overcomes adversity. People like Jay-Z and Michael Jackson who were real people who faced a real harsh life. Jay-Z with being in the streets and MJ in paving the way for black people in entertainment while trying to overcome childhood trauma. Despite all that was against them they still manage to come out on top and most of all be true to themselves, all through art. I too would like to be able to capture that and reflect it in any ongoing or future projects.


What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Two things, and they actually contradict another. “Do it out of love” and “Follow your mind and not your heart” . This speaks to me because character is everything. I’m a humanitarian and a lover at heart, it’s free to give compassion and I wish people did it more. As for the second advice it’s really a precaution—yes it’s great to do things out of love but make sure you’re protecting your heart as well. Make sure you’re using your mind to work with your heart, not against. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would take the ego out of the industry. I feel like there’s too many people worried about what the next person has, or who has the biggest house with the biggest garage that they forgot what music, or hip hop specifically, is for. It’s suppose to be fun, relatable, and most of all a voice for the voiceless. All the rap beef, senseless deaths, and everything else isn’t what the industry should be about.

What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

What’s next is more music, more projects, more collabs, and more performances. If people thought I was done, I was barely getting started. Since the release of The Becoming EP I’ve received nothing but positive feed back and it’s just motivating me to want to go harder and do more. Not only for my supporters and my team but for myself because I know I can. Simple as that. 

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

The people can reach me on social media  @ruciano_  I’m on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, Apple Music, and other music platforms. While you’re following me make sure you check out my music and follow my record label’s page @pure_records_music. Thank you all for your time! 

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Glenn Jones

GLENN JONES is in our hot seat for this edition of Straight Official Sit Downs. @klassikceo had the opportunity to chop it up with the Florida native and you can check out their one-on-one down below. Be sure to check out more of our Straight Official Sit Downs right here!


What is your Name? Where are you from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is Glenn Jones I’m from Jacksonville Florida. I got interested in music while growing up in church.

Who and/or what inspires you to create?

I’ve been inspired by so many artists from the 60’s up until now.


How would you describe your sound?

I believe my sound is a combination of soul Gospel, Pop and R&B.

What is your creative process like?

I like to come up with the subject matter and then the melody, then the groove.

What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Most of the artists that I would want to calibrate with are no longer with us. People like Aretha, and Whitney. But, it would be a thrill to do something with Lala Hathaway, or Musiq Soulchild.


What is one message you would give to your supporters?

The message I would like to send my supporters is thank you for all of the love you’ve given me over
the years.

What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

I taught myself to play guitar when I was 14 years old, and that I’m a pretty decent cook.

What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

If I wasn’t in the music business, I really don’t know what I would be doing. Music is something I’ve
done all of my life.

What is the best advice you’ve received?

The best advice I’ve received is to always be in the know. Always know and understand what’s
going on in your business.


Who are some artists that you admire?

I’ve always admired Stevie Wonder for being such a trendsetter and because of the influence he had on
so many musicians and singers including me.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would change how music is judged. It shoud be ranked upon quality and substance. Rather than being based on popularity, or size of your marketing budgets.

What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

I have completed project that I’m about to release and hopefully will be touring in support of this new

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

Social media: @realglennjones on IG,
Real Glenn Jones on Twitter,

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Straight Official Sit Downs: IAMBORNKING


IAMBORNKING stopped by our headquarters this week and we put him in the hot seat for Straight Official Sit Downs. @klassikceo chopped it up with the New York MC and the vibe was dope! Check out their one-on-one down below and click here for more emerging artists worldwide.


What is your Name? Tell me where you’re from and what interested you in the entertainment industry? 

     I go by the name of IAMBORNKING. I’m from Bed-Stuy Do or Die Brooklyn, New York, born from Nigerian father and American mother. What interests me the most about the entertainment industry was the opportunity to create a culture. A following of genuine believers. People who will invest in what you have to offer. Musically, brand and as a person authentically.

To create a movement that pushes forward your agendas and obtains goals. To clarify and broaden your vision. The dynamic of just taking pen to paper with a thought and making it a reality. Creating something that people can see and touch the world over. It’s just amazing to me. I always wanted to be a creator when I saw that dynamic.


Who and/or what inspires you to create?

     Some of my top influences include Jay-Z. His ability to just create a whole culture on his own within the culture. Plus, he’s from my neck of the woods. Kanye West for his bold and brazen views of political issues and real issues that we face outside the music. He will risk himself for the betterment of community and music culture, which I respected. He’s definitely an inspiration of mine. 

     People might not like me for saying this one, but R. Kelly. Aside from all his misfortunes, and his legal issues that I won’t talk about. His ability to create is on such a high level that it impacts. He’s pivotal to many different moments in music. As a creator, I look up to his ability. He’s the Tyler Perry of music.


How would you describe your sound?

     My sound has evolved over time right now, with the current record, Found You ft. Jayem, that I currently have on all digital platforms and  in all digital stores. Shouts out to everybody who supported the record. Continue to love it, stream, like, share, add to your playlist, and make it apart of your everyday journey. To make it the major success that it should be.

Sometimes my sound is melodic. My primary genre and culture is Hip-Hop. I started out as a rapper. My content and  lyrics are all about authenticity of life. The struggles that we go through in society as a young black men. Growing up in the Sumner housing projects, Bed Stuy Brooklyn. Being incarcerated for 11 years. I’ve seen much of life‘s pitfalls through my own eyes and vicariously through others. 

  I speak of those struggles with the anticipation of sending a message to the culture. Especially Hip-Hop culture, Black culture and real music fans. In a way that brings awareness to the happiness and harsh realities of life. My music is primarily based on awareness of real life. I’m a songwriter. There is no territory in genre of music that I won’t enter.


Never give up. Not on your journey, dreams, family, friends, grounded beliefs, and most importantly yourself.

IAMBORNKING’s message to his supporters

What is your creative process like?

     I really like these questions these all really good. My process is like copy and paste pretty much. I think of the feeling that a certain track gives me, or inspiration from some sort of experience. Be it my own, which is most of the time, or through someone else. The inspiration copied from my mind, heart & soul pasted to the instrumental. In most cases I’m able to tailor fit or be cohesive to the track. Giving the overall effect of motivation, inspiration & love.


What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

I would love to work with Jay-Z, Drake, Kanye, Wizkid, Tems, Ice Spice & Sha Everything K, Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Annuel, Ne-Yo, Diddy & Khalid. There’s SO many of them! (laughs).

What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

    I am a former professional culinary chef. I have a paralegal certificate in New York State Law.

Who are some artists/people you admire and why? 

   Maino, Jim Jones, Dirk, Juicy J for their amazing comebacks in music I adversity. My team Respect Da Grind Music Group, my good friend Rehan, and my lady Tabitha Acaba.



What is the best advice you’ve received?

      To never give up on my dream, and to take this multicultural direction with my current record, Found You feat. Jayem, go stream it! My business partner David L was instrumental in coming up with some of the ideas it took to create it. He had a vision.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

     I would change whatever causes these senseless deaths. Predominantly rap artists and our brothers and sisters in Hip-Hop.

What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

At the Hip-Hop awards, at the BET Awards, all the awards! Bookings across seas and ghost writing for new artists that are going to be great. Making an enormous impact on the world with my music in that changes the dynamic of how people digest it. Lending myself to worthy causes. Completing the puzzle to change in the world.



Follow IAMBORNKING on Social Media

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Thank you for allowing me the opportunity. Big shouts out to Straight Official Magazine, Straight Official Radio, SiriusXM LL Cool J, Rock The Bells, DJ NoPhrillz, DJ Epps, Rehan & my team. I respect the grind and everyone who helped me push and allowed me a platform to tell my story.

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Quany Disani

Quany Disani

QUANY DISANI is a talent out of Camden, NJ that chopped it up with Straight Official’s own @klassikceo on this edition of Straight Official Sit Downs. Check out their one-on-one down below and click here for more emerging artists.


Q: What is your Name? Where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

I go by Quany Disani. I’m from Camden, New Jersey and growing up music has always been part of my family. Not sports but music. My dad plays the wooden guitar and sings Rasta music .

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

I get my inspiration from the music. Like the beat itself, it like rap and sing to me but not with words but melodies.

Q: How would you describe your sound?

I have a rich melodic sound.


Q: What is your creative process like?

I start off by hearing a beat in my head, or if a song is playing on the radio then I just start writing what my soul feels. Then when I’m done I just got find a instrumental online. Then I create my art with words.

Q: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

I was hoping to collaborate with PNB Rock and a lot of artist who aren’t here today. May their souls forever rest but my table is pretty much open to any music opportunities that come my way.

Q: What is one message you would give to your supporters?

Thank you for believing in me and honestly enjoying my music that I hold as my treasure and that’s in my heart.

Quany Disani


Q: What is a talent or skill you have that most people don’t know about?

I have the talent to do anything in life.

What would you be doing right now if you weren’t doing music?

Definitely the wrong thing that’s for sure.

Q: Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

I’m from Camden New Jersey which is minutes from Philly, so growing up the only rapper I could see living out a dream would be Meek Mill. He’s my definition of started from the bottom.


Q: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Stay true to yourself and always be a good listener

Q: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The fact that we need more black owners in that department.

Q: What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

Next year I’m looking for more opportunities and more chances. I enjoy making music. I’ll probably do this all my life.

Q: What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

You can find and follow me on all platforms. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. My contact info is on in my bio on Instagram.

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Blakrain


BLAKRAIN is in the hot seat this week for another edition of Straight Official Sit-Downs. Get to know this dope talent in his one-on-one with our own @klassikceo and check out more emerging artists right here.


Q: What is your Name? Where are you from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is Blakrain. I’m from Atlanta Georgia. The love of music and they way it makes me feel is what first got me into the entertainment industry.

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

The continued support from my friends and family is who inspires me to create.

Q: How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my music as heartfelt, vibrant, unique, and full of love.


Q: What is your creative process like?

My creative process is very easy to be honest. I find beats that feels good to me, beats with high keystrokes. I’m real organic so I like to write when I get in the studio.

Q: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

I would love to collaborate with my favorite artists of all time! Lil Wayne, Jay-Z. I would also love to work with Maxwell, The Dream, Ne-yo, the list definitely goes on.

Q: What is one message you would give to your supporters?

One message I would give my supporters would be that I love you all and thank you for believing in me and continue to push me forward through this journey.



Q: What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

Most of my circle know that I’m a chef. I can really cook but the world doesn’t know that(laughs).

Q: What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

If I wasn’t doing music I would be a full-time chef.

Q: Who are some artists or people you admire and why?

I admire my mother. She’s my rock and my soul. I’ve seen my mother go through so much in her life but she continues to keep pushing and no matter the circumstances. She’s my everything.


What is the best advice you’ve been given?

The best advice I’ve been given was to be consistent in everything you do.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would change the monetary value of the industry. Only because the world now looks at the money more so than the talent instead of the way music makes you feel. The industry only cares about how much money I can make it, or you can make me.

What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

In the next year I want to be looking back on my life and say man I remember when it was hard to get people to listen to me, now the whole world listens to me.

What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

My social media is officialblakrain on all platforms.

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