

Journalist Bae | Cardi B’s Worst Product @CardiB

Cardi, Cardi, Cardi B. You’re my girl! But I’m going to have to see you in the parking lot about this one. I know you’re going through a lot, but this right here is unacceptable my girl.

Y’all may have seen the photoshoot Cardi B did earlier this year for her cool topping product, Whip Shots. It was literally one of the cutest things I’ve seen all holiday season. She has all kinds of flavors for all time of year, ranging from lime to pumpkin spice to mocha, with the most special ingredient included, VODKA!

For the past year, I’ve bought various flavors, in various sizes, in various parts of the country and they either dispensed NOTHING or very little. Don’t get it twisted – this is NOT an isolated incident and I’m not the only one who has experienced this. Users have gone to social media to express their displeasure and frustration. To sum it up, “This the weakest sh*t ever!” I don’t know, I’m just saying you won’t get any more of my money until you fix it.

The directions are extremely simple and ineffective: slap it, shake it, whip it. I DID THAT! Everything I can to make it work since there’s clearly substance in the can. Even run it under hot water. I GOT NOTHING! Like I told you, I love Bardi, however I’m mad as heck I spent my money on this. I can’t even make this up you guys – but perhaps I’m the idiot for being a stan. Do better, babe.

#GetSOM via @Mochathemack

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Ready for Snoop Doggs?

Snoop Dogg

#GetSOM – @MsBoomNYC

Rap pioneer SNOOP DOGG has done it all. From cooking shows to cannabis and gin, there’s nothing that he hasn’t tried and succeeded at. So what’s next for the Long Beach rap legend? Hot Dogs! Snoop will now be hawking hotdogs which will be aptly dubbed “Snoop Doggs”.

Snoop applied last month for a U.S. Patent for a federal trademark registration for the name which he says he will use to sell franks and other types of sausages. Snoop‘s lawyer filed for the name as an “intent-to-use.” This would mean he hasn’t actually launched the hot dog brand, but wants to lock the name down for future use.

You would think that hot dogs would be the last business Snoop would involve himself in. Back in 2016, Snoop made headlines with an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!  He watched a step-by-step process of how hot dogs are made. By the end of the segment, Snoop said: “This is a hot dog!? Oh cuz, I ain’t never eating a m*****f****** hot dog! If that’s how they make hot dogs, I don’t want one. I’m good.” Stay tuned for more but don’t be surprised if you see Snoop Doggs in a store near you! – Boom

(Photo Cred: Yahoo News Malaysia)

All Hip-Hop reports that the 50-year-old is no stranger to the culinary world, having released his cookbook, “From Crook to Cook: Platinum Recipes from Tha Boss Dogg’s Kitchen” in 2018, and appeared in a string of cooking show segments alongside his pal Martha Stewart.

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[Food] Coquito (Puerto Rican Eggnog)

With the holiday’s fast approaching its only right we get our parties & family events ready for some good food & cocktails.

Our Cocktail today is COQUITO aka Puerto Rican Egg Nog. This is a Puerto Rican staple just in time for the holiday season! Mixed with your favorite rum or alcoholic beverages, this drink can surely turn a dull holiday party into a great time!

Please Drink Responsibly

A rich and creamy, no-egg, coquito recipe made with rum and coconut milk.

This simple & tasty Coquito recipe is a Puerto Rican tradition that is loaded with coconut, rum and cinnamon for an extra thick and creamy coconut eggnog!

PREP TIME: 20 minutes

COOK TIME: 5 hours

TOTAL TIME: 5 hours 20 minutes


  • 4 oz raisins
  • 1 1/2 cups dark rum
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 (15 oz) can cream of coconut (Coco Lopez)
  • 1 (13.5 oz) can coconut milk
  • 4 oz evaporated milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons shredded coconut, optional


  1. In a large pitcher with a lid (or two large jars with lids – this will make about 56 oz of liquid) add raisins, dark rum and cinnamon sticks. Let sit for 1 hour. 
  2. In a blender, puree all the other ingredients.  Pour into the bottle and shake well to combine with rum/raisins mixture. 
  3. Chill for at least 4 hours & store in an airtight container in a refrigerator for up a month.. 
  4. Must shake vigorously before pouring. 

NOTES: recipe note: cream of coconut is commonly made by Goya or Coco Lopez. It is a very thick, sweetened coconut milk with chunks of shredded coconut in it. This is not the same as coconut cream that only has coconut listed on the ingredients.


YIELD: 12 servings 
SERVING SIZE: 1 serving

Amount Per Serving: 
SODIUM: 47mg
SUGAR: 12g

A Big thank you to my great friend Jessica for the ingredients –

#GetSOM Via @DJGojabean @StraightOfficialMag #Coquito #PuertoRicanEggNog #HolidayBeverages

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