The Quest Chronicles: Small Adjustments: Everyday is a new day to figure out this thing we call life. We have our good days and our bad days. Let’s be real, sometimes the bad days feel like it overshadows the good ones. It could feel so stressful that trying to fix the bad days doesn’t seem realistic. It’s always one thing after another and you can’t catch a break.
Well that’s exactly what you need; a break. A moment to breathe, relax and re-structure. You don’t need to always make drastic changes in order to get positive results. Sometimes you just need to make a few small adjustments to get you started.
Go to sleep an hour early so you can have more rest. Take an hour to do research instead of scrolling on your phone. Grab a bottle of water instead of a bottle of soda. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those small adjustments will make an improvement in your life before you know it. All you have to do is make the first small adjustment.
The Quest Chronicles: Small Adjustments

This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.
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