

[MUSIC REVIEW] Top Love Tracks | Shiva

SHIVA is an Italian artist who is proving that R&B isn’t the only music genre that can be romantic. He has proved this by winning the favor of his romantic listeners with his Hip-Hop lyrics about relationships, love, hate, and romance. Even though the artist started at a very young age, he has produced several hit albums and is on the eve of his 23rd birthday.

He was born in the city of Legnano, Italy, which is northwest of Milan. His lyrics started with the influence of 90’s Rap, but through the explosion of Autotune, his style began to change and boosted his fame as he grew into the artist he is today.

Through these years, Shiva has held my attention with his unique way of incorporating real love situations. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Of course, not all of his mainstream music is romantic, yet he has proven hot on the subject. So I wanted to point out some of my favorite love tracks that have proven to be an asset to my playlist. Enjoy the visuals and lyrics for them down below!

Pensando a lei

English Translated Lyrics

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out, got me singin’ like

Na-na-na-na, everyday
Na-na-na-na, everyday

It’s like my iPod, stuck on replay replay-ay-ay-ay
It’s like my iPod, stuck on replay replay-ay-ay-ay

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out , got me singin’ like

Na-na-na-na, everyday
Na-na-na-na, everyday

It’s like my iPod, stuck on replay replay-ay-ay-ay
It’s like my iPod, stuck on replay replay-ay-ay-ay

Baby, you don’t want a trap boy
Baby, non vuoi un trap boy

So not like us
Quindi non come noi

I went from having nothing to giving you what you want
Sono passato da avere niente a darti quello che vuoi

The keys to the heart have no duplicates, I have no other options
Le chiavi del cuore non hanno doppioni, io non ho altre opzioni

If not looking for you for all the places more than the distractions
Se non cercarti per tutti i luoghi più delle distrazioni

You may think I am a liar when I tell her that everything is okay
Si può pensare io sia un bugiardo quando le dico che è tutto ok

She doesn’t know that at first I was afraid even just to approach her
Non sa che all’inizio avevo paura anche solo a approcciarmi a lei

The first time, when I saw you, you are in the head like a replay
La prima volta, quando ti ho vista, sei nella testa come un replay

From friends to call us “honey”
Da amici a chiamarci “honey”

Yes, I think too much about money
Si, penso troppo ai money

I would have the DM full
Avrei il DM pieno

You’re even more beautiful when you don’t wear makeup and you steal my clothing
Sei ancora più bella quando non ti trucchi e mi rubi l’abbigliamento

I was hoping you would give me a chance
Speravo mi dessi una chance

You who walked alone in the center
Tu che camminavi da sola nel centro

You are becoming my center
Stai diventando il mio centro

My world is making sense
Il mio mondo sta prendendo senso

Who would have thought, you are like one
Chi l’avrebbe detto, sei come una

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out, got me singin’ like

In the night I am thinking of her
Nella notte sto pensando a lei

In the night I’m thinking about her, about her
Nella notte sto pensando a lei, a lei

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out, got me singin’ like

In the night I think of her
Nella notte penso a lei

In the head like a replay, in the head like a replay
Nella testa come un replay, nella testa come un replay

Baby, listen
Baby, senti

You’re my model with Nikes on
Sei la mia modella con le Nike ai piedi

You are my choice, you are my melody
Sei la mia scelta, tu sei la mia melody

You are too beautiful for these skyscrapers always dull
Sei troppo bella per ‘sti grattacieli sempre spenti

What do you see inside my eyes?
Dentro ai miei occhi tu che cosa vedi?

We watch a lot of movies
Guardiamo un sacco di film

But when you try to look inside the feelings, you get scared
Ma quando provi a guardare dentro i sentimenti, tu ti spaventi

The girls around do nothing but leave me dirtier
Le ragazze in giro non fanno altro che lasciarmi più sporco

I discovered that I am worth a lot to you, what I live is not a game
Ho scoperto che per te valgo molto, quello che vivo non è mica un gioco

It is evident that you are the only one of your kind and you have dragged my mind
È evidente che sei l’unica nel tuo genere e mi hai trascinato la mente

The queue for you is full of people, some would say
La fila per te è piena di gente, c’è chi direbbe

“Too young to bond together”
“Troppo giovani per legarci assieme”

Beat, stop, you aim and shot, you leave a permanent gap
Battiti, stop, tu miri e shot, lasci un vuoto permanente

She is always hot, like a Glock: she either kills me or protects me
Lei sempre hot, come una Glock: o mi ammazza o mi protegge

Love doesn’t last forever
L’amore non dura per sempre

Then we live in the meantime
Allora viviamo nel mentre

Let’s break these rules because you are
Spezziamo ‘ste regole perché tu sei

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out, got me singin’ like

In the night I am thinking of her
Nella notte sto pensando a lei

In the night I’m thinking about her, about her
Nella notte sto pensando a lei, a lei

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
Shawty’s like a melody in my head

That I can’t keep out, got me singin ‘like
That I can’t keep out, got me singin’ like

In the night I think of her
Nella notte penso a lei

In the head like a replay, in the head like a replay, replay
Nella testa come un replay, nella testa come un replay, replay

Shiva-Niente de perdere

English Translated Lyrics

Never, never
Mai, mai

I would have thought you were
Avrei pensato che tu fossi

The right one for me
Quella giusta per me

I was wrong and you don’t know
Mi sbagliavo e non sai

I only did it because
Ce l’ho fatta solo perché

I had nothing I could lose
Non avevo niente che potevo perdere

It feels like winter, my heart is cold and you don’t listen to me (Uh-ah)
Sembra l’inverno, il mio cuore è freddo e tu non mi ascolti (Uh-ah)

There are no friends, or fun, we are alone (Uh-oh)
Non ci sono amici, o divertimento, siamo da soli (Uh-oh)

I don’t use words, I only hit with my actions (Eh-eh)
Non uso parole, ho colpito solo con le mie azioni (Eh-eh)

There was no place for me
Non c’era un posto per me

It’s all right now for me
Ora è tutto a posto per me

The truth is, you hold me back
La verità è che mi trattieni

From this city and its problems
Da ‘sta città e i suoi problemi

I was on those sidewalks
Ero sopra quei marciapiedi

Now over the stages
Ora sopra i palcoscenici

Now that you are full of commitments
Ora che sei piena con gli impegni

And your body is full of signs
E hai il corpo pieno di segni

We have parallel destinies
Abbiamo i destini paralleli

I believe in intertwining, yeah
Credo negli intrecci, yeah

Never, never
Mai, mai

I would have thought you were the one for me
Avrei pensato che tu fossi quella giusta per me

I was wrong and you don’t know (Uh-ah, uh-ah)
Mi sbagliavo e non sai (Uh-ah, uh-ah)

I only did it because
Ce l’ho fatta solo perché

I had nothing
Non avevo niente

That I could lose (Uh-ah, uh-ah)
Che potevo perdere (Uh-ah, uh-ah)

We were two opposites
Eravamo due opposti

Now you look me in the eye and understand that
Ora mi guardi negli occhi e capisci che

Do not know
Non sai

If you can still trust
Se puoi ancora fidarti

I’m not like the others
Non sono come gli altri

Try to tell me you have
Prova a dirmi che hai

Hey, before you, all my lights were out
Ehi, prima di te, tutte le mie luci erano spente

You want someone who doesn’t pretend with you
Tu vuoi qualcuno che con te non finga

Then you complain about the consequences
Poi ti lamenti delle conseguenze

I have a good side, a bad side
Ho un lato buono, uno cattivo

I don’t know which one you want to see
Non so quale tu voglia vedere

Why down here if you do a favor
Perché quaggiù se fai un favore

God, the devil takes offense, hey
A Dio, il diavolo si offende, ehi

It seems done on purpose
Sembra fatto apposta

My heart is no parking
Ho il cuore in divieto di sosta

I asked heaven a question
Ho fatto al cielo una domanda

He sent me to you as an answer
Mi ha mandato te come risposta

In the room you sip sparkling wine
Nel locale sorseggi spumante

When you get mad you are so adorable
Quando ti arrabbi sei così adorabile

I never had anything to lose (Yeah)
Non avevo mai niente da perdere (Yeah)

Now that I have everything to take
Ora invece che ho tutto da prendere

I prefer to receive loyalty than to receive love or respect
Preferisco ricever lealtà che ricevere amore o rispetto

You have green eyes just like mine, like one hundred pieces
Hai gli occhi verdi proprio come i miei, come pezzi da cento

Still learning, I’m only twenty
Ancora che imparo, ho solo vent’anni

I hope the past doesn’t come back
Spero il passato non torni davanti

You are the right part of my mistakes
Tu sei la parte giusta dei miei sbagli

You are the right part of my mistakes
Tu sei la parte giusta dei miei sbagli

Never, never
Mai, mai

I would have thought you were the one for me
Avrei pensato che tu fossi quella giusta per me

I was wrong and you don’t know (Uh-ah, uh-ah)
Mi sbagliavo e non sai (Uh-ah, uh-ah)

I only did it because
Ce l’ho fatta solo perché

I had nothing
Non avevo niente

That I could lose (Uh-ah, uh-ah)
Che potevo perdere (Uh-ah, uh-ah)

We were two opposites
Eravamo due opposti

Now you look me in the eye and understand that
Ora mi guardi negli occhi e capisci che

Do not know
Non sai

If you can still trust
Se puoi ancora fidarti

I’m not like the others
Non sono come gli altri

Try to tell me you have
Prova a dirmi che hai

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Uh, yeah, uh, yeah)
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Uh, yeah, uh, yeah)

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah

Shiva-Tanti cuori

English Translation Lyrics

Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh, yeah
Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh, yeah

Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh
Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh

When I am alone, in my room many times I stare at the wall
Quando sono solo, nella mia stanza molte volte fisso il muro

I feel my conscience only asks
Sento che la mia coscienza chiede solo

A girl as sweet as honey
Una ragazza dolce come miele

Those my fate while I smoke
Coloro il mio destino mentre fumo

And I feel you inside, I don’t know how to explain it
E ti sento dentro, non so come spiegarlo

Like a spell, I don’t know what you did to me
Come un incantesimo, non so cosa mi hai fatto

I’m sick of pretending to be intact
Sono stufo di fingere di essere intatto

You tore a liar’s heart apart and
Hai fatto a pezzi il cuore di un bugiardo e

You know that for you
Sai che per te

I would have done even dangerous things
Avrei fatto cose anche pericolose

To just have you around and
Per averti solo intorno e

You tore the world around me apart
Hai fatto a pezzi il mondo intorno a me

I’m a liar except if I want you
Sono un bugiardo tranne se ti voglio

I’m a bastard except if I want you
Sono un bastardo tranne se ti voglio

I saw my heart on fire
Ho visto il mio cuore andare a fuoco

Let’s love each other, let’s stop the game, yeah
Amiamoci, smettiamo con il gioco, yeah

So many hearts I have broken without naming names
Tanti cuori ho spezzato senza fare i nomi

Of the other girls out there
Delle altre ragazze là fuori

I know you have the best plans of my illusions
So che tu hai i piani migliori delle mie illusioni

But in your absence, my soul turns cold
Ma in tua assenza, la mia anima diventa fredda

I need to make a choice
Ho bisogno di fare una scelta

I’m not the type to wait
Io non sono il tipo che aspetta

Tell me quickly if yes or no
Dimmelo in fretta se sì, o no

Yoh, tell me quickly if yes or no
Yoh, dimmelo in fretta se sì, o no

Because my head is in a fucking viewfinder and I have
Perché ho la testa dentro un fottuto mirino e ho

Like the feeling of feeling empty between the bitches
Come la sensazione di sentirmi vuoto tra le bitch

You know how to make a G laugh, then
Tu sai come far ridere un G, quindi

I grew up among the snakes in the alley
Son cresciuto in mezzo ai serpenti nel vicolo

And I want to taste your forbidden fruit
E ho voglia di assaggiare il tuo frutto proibito

I paid dearly for heaven
Ho pagato caro il prezzo del paradiso

But it’s only with you if I’m getting through it
Ma è solo con te se sto riuscendo a viverlo

I’m rich, but with you more than anyone else
Sono ricco, ma con te più di chiunque altro

Even without make-up and without nail polish you are different from the others
Pure senza trucco e senza smalto sei diversa dalle altre

You have deep wounds in a superficial world
Hai ferite profonde in un mondo superficiale

A tattoo with my initial on it
Un tatuaggio con sopra la mia iniziale

You know that for you
Sai che per te

I would have done even dangerous things
Avrei fatto cose anche pericolose

To just have you around and
Per averti solo intorno e

You tore the world around me apart
Hai fatto a pezzi il mondo intorno a me

I’m a liar except if I want you
Sono un bugiardo tranne se ti voglio

I’m a bastard except if I want you
Sono un bastardo tranne se ti voglio

I saw my heart on fire
Ho visto il mio cuore andare a fuoco

Let’s love each other and quit the game, yeah
Amiamoci e smettiamo con il gioco, yeah

So many hearts I have broken without naming names
Tanti cuori ho spezzato senza fare i nomi

Of the other girls out there
Delle altre ragazze là fuori

I know you have the best plans of my illusions
So che tu hai i piani migliori delle mie illusioni

But in your absence, my soul turns cold
Ma in tua assenza, la mia anima diventa fredda

I need to make a choice
Ho bisogno di fare una scelta

I’m not the type to wait
Io non sono il tipo che aspetta

Tell me quickly if yes or no
Dimmelo in fretta se sì, o no

Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh X2

(Tell me quickly if yes, or no) yeah
(Dimmelo in fretta se sì, o no) yeah

Uoh-oh-oh, uoh-oh-oh X2

So many hearts I have broken without naming names
Tanti cuori ho spezzato senza fare i nomi

Of the other girls out there
Delle altre ragazze là fuori


Reference list: Lyric Finder: 2022 Lyric Finder & Eusound: Article: Shiva, online

#GetSOM via @lovelydeanna and check out more of my content right here.

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Cappadonna x Stu Bangas | 3rd Chamber Grail Bars


CAPPADONNA teams up with one of Hip-Hop’s renowned producers in STU BANGAS to bless the masses with a new project titled 3rd Chamber Grail Bars

Wu-Tang affiliate Cappadonna has the fans buzzing once again with the release of his new project 3rd Chamber Grail Bars. The 12-track album features production from Stu Bangas and delivers on lyrical potency. The project is significant not only for the bars and instrumentals, but also for the fact this is Donna’s first project with a single producer.

3CGB comes off the heels of two previous projects released last year from both artists that received strong reviews. Cappadonna & Stu Bangs first worked together on Donna’s 2013 album Eyrth, Wynd & Fyre. After connecting through the A&R Extraordinaire Matthew “M-Eighty” Markoff, the duo found a common ground. With Stu having confidence that Donna liked his tracks and Cappadonna being in the right energy to receive the music, the rest was both history and dope!

stu bangas
Stu Bangas

The album features Planet Asia, Sick Jacken, Ill Bill & Celph Titled. After a few early listens, one of my favorite tracks is “Bring It Out” where the combo of Donna’s lyrics and Stu’s production is a great blend of what makes Hip-Hop what it is. Check out the lyric video down below.

Order your copy of 3rd Chamber Grail Bars from Cappadonna & Stu Bangas right here.

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T-Quest Music Review: SheDiddy

#GetSOM via @TQuestGLM

T-Quest Music Review: SheDiddy is an artist that I had the pleasure of interviewing recently on The T-Quest Show with DJ ILL NINO. We learned so much about SheDiddy. Firstly, starting with her name. I learned that her name is actually an acronym standing for Sexy Humble Educated Determined Intelligent Dedicated Driven Young at heart. Not only is she a singer but she is an actress as well. She is a multitalented queen that is very excited to share her gifts with the world. SheDiddy came on the show with so much vibrant positive energy and in that moment I knew she was someone special.

Currently SheDiddy is pushing her single “Options” and she is letting you know that you shouldn’t get too comfortable because she does have options baby! Options is a song that many ladies can relate to so I suggest you take the time to check it out. While you’re at it please download the Tubi movie app and check out the feature film “Suga Babies” that She Diddy is not only starring in the movie but has a song on the sound track that’s featured in the film. SheDiddy’s out here WORKING so make sure you support!

T-Quest Music Review: SheDiddy

SheDiddy introduced us to her hit single “Options“. You can find this song on all digital platforms. Make sure that you stream her music, watch “Suga Babies” on Tubi and follow her on social media at

This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have. To learn more about the one & only T-Quest or to hear about certain topics in-depth please download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music.

Check out more of T-Quest articles  here:

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Jay-Marie is Holy Releases Debut Album “Love is No Fool Live EP”

California bred & St. Louis-chosen JAY-MARIE IS HOLY is a multi-instrumentalist, artist, and change-maker. The artist released their live album-length debut, the Love is No Fool Live to rave reviews.

Accompanied by a full band, this 43-minute aural journey shines end to end. Singles like “Stellar” & “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop / I Wanna Love” take listeners on a complete journey. It offers the respite of sound and lyrics that reground. Holy reminds us that the world we are here to create must be rooted in our connections. To pleasure and honesty. About who & what we love.

I wanted to gift listeners a rhythm to get lost in. To let loose in rhythm and in funk on the way to building the world and relationships we deserve.”

Jay-Marie Is Holy

Purchase the Love Is No Fool Live EP on Jay-Marie is Holy’s website. You can stream the album at your DSP of choice here.

About Jay-Marie is Holy

Jay-Marie is Holy is an up-and-coming artist to watch. Known for being dedicated to protest, politics, and possibilities. Holy’s vocal, bass, and saxophone-oriented offerings invite audiences into genre-defying portals.

Their sound is built upon sonic inspirations. Some of these include homemade Christian hymns, 90’s R&B, pop gospel, timeless disco/house music, and early 00’s neo-soul.

Black, brilliant, trans, and feeling, Jay-Marie’s unique and queerly-textured vocals sit in the spirit with an unabashed vulnerability. With bold tenderness rare in this generation of artists. Holy offers deeply relatable and original lyrical content. Instrument-first songwriting, and a commitment to finding the communal Holy in the most dire of oppressive contexts.

Holy uses tools of music, mind, body, and spirit to birth new futures in the name of Black Transcendence. Built on unapologetic care for sex workers, Black women + trans folks & their griots yet to come. 

Jay-Marie is a co-founder of several musical group experiments. SF’s Bones of A Feather, AudioXO with producer Wazi Maret and 2015-17’s Rev. Sekou & the Holy Ghost. Which logged 75 shows and three nationwide tours in under a year.

The arrangement, songwriting and production on the RS&HG album The Revolution Has Come (Farfetched, Eloveate) topped an explosive, spiritual project. The duo recorded the 9-track LP in just six months.


TRHC sparked Jay-Marie’s first-ever original composition, “Past Time (A Letter to Lamia Beard). The song was a cry for witness and forward action for slain Black trans women and gender-expansive people.

Holy released of their timeless single “Here, Queer, and Staying,” Balancing Missouri-based, nationwide advocacy. Creating and collaborating with artists and producers.

Future artistic visions include an original music and a poetry-graced studio album. One that produced a house music LP that expands on audience favorite, “I Wanna Love.”

Jay-Marie’s hit single of 2021, “I Wanna Love” features choreography by MJ Imani. The music video shot by Nyara Williams and co-produced by long-time Honey Dijon collaborator Tim Kvasnosky. Engineered by Mike Thompson (Luna Studios, Transgender District SF) Owen Ragland (Whitworth) of St. Louis, MO.

Follow Jay-Marie is Holy Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter |Instagram | YouTube

#GetSOM via @essince and check out more emerging artists right here.

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Wavyy Jonez

Wavyy Jonez

WAVYY JONEZ is the next new artist that took the hot seat with @klassikceo for our Straight Official Sit-Downs. Check out their one-on-one down below and check out more interviews right here.

Q: What is your Name? where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is Wavyy Jonez . I’m From Long Island/ Strong Island New York. My interest in the entertainment industry spun from the first time I saw Erick Sermon “Just Like Music” on 106 and Park. My mom told me he was also from Long Island. I been at it ever since.

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

Life is my greatest inspiration along with my family and nephew that watches everything so when I make them I think of him and can’t stop.

Q: How would you describe your sound?

My sound I won’t allow to be in a box. I’m an entertainer, though I love lyrics and wordplay and have a earlier original Hip-Hop sound but my music will be a small bit of everything. I want to reach people of all taste of music.


Q: What is your creative process like?

My creative process starts with how I’m feeling at the moment. When the lyrics get to flowing , I could be anywhere and my mind drifts off into rhyming words. I feel God does it because a lot of times I listen back like “wow I said that.”

Q: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

All walks of life and types of creators big or small. But definitely Jay Z & Lauryn Hill for sure.

Q: What is one message you would give to your supporters?

I’d like to let my supporters know I’m very grateful for all their support. I know it could be tough supporting the music, entrepreneurial and the acting all with the same drive. I won’t stop till my 3 headed horse reigns supreme.

Q: What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

I think I’m still trynna figure that out myself. I surprise me sometimes too.

Wavyy Jonez

Music saved my life. if I wasn’t doing music or if I totally cut it out my life, I wouldn’t feel complete.

Wavyy Jonez

Q: Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

I admire artist that dare to be different. The game is a enough of the same thing. We need some really dope stands outs so I admire artist that do this their way. We’re not all gangsta and all the other stereotypes so the stand alone impress me very much.


Q: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Best advice I’ve been given is have tough skin and be free in the game. Don’t stop & don’t give the haters something to keep hating on. They’ll eventually love me (laughs) It has really been helpful along this journey for sure.

Q: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

If I could change anything it would be for artist to feel free. To create and not worry about the numbers so much but have fun with the content they share with the world. We are artist and should feel free to create regardless what the labels are saying.

12.What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year? Next for me is more music , tv shows, more on the Kerch side coming soon as well in the next year I’d like to see myself with whatever god has planned for me just know I’m working ?


You can follow Wavyy Jonez on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @iamwavyyjonez

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Straight Official Sit Downs: Tiffany J

Tiffany J

TIFFANY J got the opportunity to sit down with @klassikceo and it was indeed a vibe. Check out their convo down below and check out more of our Straight Official Sit-Downs right here.

Q: What is your Name? Where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is Tiffany Johnson but my stage name is Tiffany J. I’m from NJ and have always wanted to work in entertainment since I was a child. I wanted to be a singer and actress.

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

My life experiences usually inspire me to create. Whether good or bad.

Q: How would you describe your sound?

I’m an alto and I feel that overall I have a R&B sound.


Q: What is your creative process like?

I actually recorded my song from my home and my producer assisted me through TeamViewer. He then mixed and mastered my song.

Q: If u could add somebody to the song who would it be and why?

If I could add someone to the song it would probably be Beyonce. Beyonce and Davido really inspired me to record on an afrobeat. I love “Already” with Beyonce, Shatta Wale, and Major Lazer and “Fall” by Davido.

Q: How do you come up with your creative style?

I usually come up with my creative style from my music (the beat).

Tiffany J

Q: What are some things you are working on? Is there anything going on outside of music ?

I am working on a few films and various collabs and music projects. Besides music, I work as an actress and model.

Q: What’s the craziest thing a fan said to you ?

The craziest thing a fan has said to me was will you marry me and can I come over?

Q: Do you have an age you would stop doing music ?

I would do music until I was 100 years old as long as I still enjoyed what I was doing.

Q: Is there something you would change if you could with your project or song ?

There is nothing that I would change about my project. It came straight from my heart.


Q: What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself next year?

What’s next for me is to keep creating good music, getting placements for my music in film and television, traveling and doing shows all over the world, hopefully getting my own television show and prayerfully one day getting to work with Tyler Perry. I also would love to write more films and a sitcom.

Q: Do you go to music conferences or music festivals to promote your music or perform?

I do not go to music conferences or music festivals to promote my music but I would love to.

Q: Give me a list of your top 5 artist and top 5 producers and what would be your perfect song for u?

My top 5 Artists are Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Doja Cat, Beyonce and Future. Top 5 Producers are Timbaland, Dark Child, Yeti Beats (Doja Cat’s) producer, my producer Signechor Vybez, Pharrell.

Q: This is a fun question. If you stranded on island alone, what 4 things would you need to have ?

If I was left alone on an island I would have some good food, music, my phone and something good to read.

Q: What would you tell a person not to do in the music biz ?

I would tell someone to not take things for granted in the music industry, to work hard and stay humble.


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Straight Official Sit Downs: JREALITYG

JREALITYG is an emerging talent coming out of the Florida area. He got the opportunity to chop it up with @klassikceo and it was indeed a vibe. Check out their convo down below!

Q: What is your Name? Where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

My name is JREALITYG. I’m from Jasper, FL.  Shout out to Jasper! My interest piqued as I watched BET’s Rap City: The Basement and 106 & Park  during my pre-teen years. Once I discovered I could rap, I set goals for my music to be heard internationally. 

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

First and foremost, I love the sport of Hip-Hop.  I love to create songs.  I love to write my own lyrics and can ghostwrite for other artists of any genre. My kids and a voracious desire to see what I am fully capable of achieving inspires me.  I will never give up.  Plus, I want to show my kids what sheer tenacity and stick-to-itiveness looks like when you refuse to give up on your dreams, regardless of what’s in your path. 


Q: How would you describe your sound?

I would say that it’s catchy, lyrical, rememberable and timeless

Q: What is your creative process like?

My creative process comes in variations. Most often, it presents itself as vibes, melodies and different cadences. If I hear a beat I like and it talks to me, I talk back.  Ideas always  pop up in my head so I immediately express those ideas to my producer.

Q: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Jay Z, J Cole, Kanye West, Cyhi, Drake, Rick Ross, Jasmine Sullivan, Ari Lennox and Tink would be my top picks.

Put God first. Go Hard. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

JREALITYG’s message to his supporters


Q: What is the most talent/skill you have that most people don’t know about?

I’m actually a dope barber. I’ve fed myself plenty of days by cutting hair.  I’m also a professional driver. I acquired my CDL license 7 years ago.

Q: What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

I would open a few barber shops then use the profits to invest in the trucking industry. 

Q: Who are some artists/people you admire and why?

Jay Z, Kanye West and Rick Ross.  I like what they represent. Plus, all of them came from the trenches.  I truly respect the fact that they used whatever they had to become super successful business moguls and entertainers. 

Cyhi, I set him aside because of his story and his pen game.  He does a lot behind the scenes as a ghostwriter. He motivates me to stay on my A-game. 

Q: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Keep GOD FIRST and never let someone else determine your capabilities. 

Q: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The music industry needs not to focus on who has the most money but who creates the best content. The industry also needs to provide more opportunities to those who are less fortunate. 

Q: What’s next for you, where would you like to see yourself in the next year?

I see myself performing before larger venues, touring and starring in a few movies.  The brand is expanding to include international traffic, endorsements and collaborations.  I close my eyes and I see myself on stage performing at the Superbowl, BET Awards, Rolling Loud and the Grammys. 


JREALITYG on all social media sites


Manager: Terry Brown (Owner / CEO of DSG)

Publicist:  Valerie Denise Jones

#GetSOM via @klassikceo and check out more of our Straight Official Sit-Downs right here!

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Sony Recording Artist “Bandit The Rapper: Releases Lavender Sunset at Hi Private Party

Shot By Philly HipHop News

James Portley, better known as Sony Recording artist BANDIT THE RAPPER hails from the “City of Brotherly Love” Philadelphia, PA.  Bandit has written and performed songs in the Pop, Rap and R&B genres for a long time. Upon releasing his anticipated project Lavender Sunset, Bandit decided to throw a party!!

Bandit had major support and a successful turn out at his private release party. Everyone from celebrity athletes, models, sponsors, media, clothing brands, DJ’s, tastemakers and label execs were all in attendance. It was a movie!

Shot By Philly HipHop News

Straight Official’s own Swag 100 conducted a live interview with Bandit in the middle of the event, giving the audience a deeper perspective of his new Lavender Sunset project.

SWAG 100 PODCAST – BANDIT THE RAPPER both are Bottega Boyz
SWAG100PODCAST – Philly HipHop News – A-Town

Bandit The Rapper was presented with an iTunes plaque. Charting Electronica Top 100 and placing at #4 on the charts with his single “Faded Memories”. Faded Memories is the intro to his LS Project.

Shot By Philly HipHop News
Shot By HipHop News

Dana Cowan, who is apart of Bandit’s management team and many others had plenty of words of encouragement for Bandit and all of his success with his career and new project.

#GetSOM via @swag100 & check out more emerging artists right here!



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J-Mane Drops A Brand New EP & Talks Career

Mixed Emotions By J-Mane

J-Mane recently caught up to us at Straight Official and we got to chop it up with the young MC. Check out our 1-on-1 below!

STRAIGHT OFFICIAL: How did you come up with your stage name? Tell us where you’re from and what first got you interested in the entertainment industry?

J-MANE: Stage name derived from my actual name Jermane. I’m from White Sulphur Springs West Virginia and my passion for making music got me into the industry.

Q: Who and/or what inspires you to create?

My life and events surrounding my life. Losses and gains trials and tribulations.


Q: How would you describe your sound?

Very unique and original 

Q: What is your creative process like?

Write and record myself at home send the music off to my team. I don’t miss!

Q: What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with?

Dave East, Fivio Foreign,  Coi Leray & Lil Durk

Q: If you could open a show for any artist who would it be? 

Definitely Sada Baby

I appreciate all of the love. It’s all gas no brakes to tha top!

J-Mane’s message to his fans

Q: What is the most useless talent you have?

I don’t have one, honestly. I try to profit off of everything I do 

Q: What would you be doing right now, if you weren’t doing music?

Playing Football

Q: Who are some artists you admire and why?

Chuuwee Braddytonia roadrunner costa Consistency and their story.

Q: What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Stay in my lane and be myself. 

Q: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 

All the streaming and royalty percentages to go up, WAY up!


Q: You dropped your latest release earlier this year. Tell us about it.

“Mixed Emotions” an EP full of bangers I made during the pandemic. One of the songs produced by Tweektune. 

Q: What’s next for you? Where would you like to see yourself in the next year? 

J/M• Making a full living off my music. 

Q: What is your social media? How can people get in contact with you?

J/M• @Jmane_ht on all social media platforms. 

#GetSOM via @djspins & check out more emerging artists right here!

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North Carolina Rising Star Keen Perception | @keen_perception

Keen Perception has only begun making noise for North Carolina! After dropping the hit single “I Kno” featuring platinum recording artist Young Buck, Keen has not shown signs of slowing down.
Probably one of the most underrated sensations North Carolina has to offer, Keen promises a new Ep this year and a full-length album in the first quarter of 2023! Go follow his IG to stay up to date with this diamond in the rough’s very promising future!

@keen_perception on IG Youtube Music

#GetSOM via @mzonpointpromo and check out more emerging artists right here.

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